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Telling her how much you feel for her Love struck part2


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I feel as if I need to tell a friend of a month of mine how much I really feel for her. If you people want to know more of my story, please read my previous thread called: I NEED help! Frist time love struck!


I phoned her on Christmas night and we talked happily until her battery died 10 minutes later. She's working in a different mall half an hour's drive away from where we bothe used to work, I still work there. I told her she can phone me when she wants to hang out again. I really would like her to phone me one day very soon... I'm working tuesday night and I'm afraid I'll see her in her old shop and she didn't phone me. I'll handle it if it happens though...Just the telling her of my love is bugging me.


Should I hold out till her birthday? That's 2 months away and I'm really scared someone takes her away from me. I'm working on getting a car and a licence still. That's a big problem.


Her birthday is on the end of February and I'm giving her a special present and some love song lyrics from our favourite Sinatra. This will work I know...but how do I say I love her? Please check out my first thread mentioned above to get the full picture.


Every bit of help will be greatly appreciated!

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Scootchy, Scootchy, Scootchy,


Do you really want to hear what I have to say? LOL




I think it's too soon for love. Be open and honest with your feelings, but do you really think that you love her?!? You barely know her. How about giving her one of your really romantic little gifts and saying something like (use your own words!):


"Hey, I really enjoy the time that we spend together. It's like we connect on a deeper level that I do with my other friends. Plus, I think you're pretty cute I think about you a lot when you are not around, and I would like to spend more time with you. Would you like to go out for a sometime?"

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why not just ask her to go out on a date sometime...you won't put her in the awkwar position of having to actually "announce" her feelings towards you...


if you ensure you make it clear you are looking to go out on a date, and not as friends (like say I'd love to take yu to x restaurant, it's very romantic) if she declines, you know you are just her friend, if she is interested...she will accept...

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why not just ask her to go out on a date sometime...you won't put her in the awkwar position of having to actually "announce" her feelings towards you...


if you ensure you make it clear you are looking to go out on a date, and not as friends (like say I'd love to take yu to x restaurant, it's very romantic) if she declines, you know you are just her friend, if she is interested...she will accept...




Good luck trying to get him to do this!


I have been pounding my head against that wall for quite a while now


I hope that you are more convincing than I am Ticklebug! 8)


Go for it Scootchy! We are all behind you!

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Thanx you guys, Mentor especially. You've been my trusted advisor through this pretzel shaped situation that I'm going through.


I shall take her on dates as much as she is available the second I get a car and a drivers. That should be on the end of February I hope. Her birthday is on the end of February.


As of Friday she wil be working in the other mall in the middle of nowhere. She will still be living near her old work though, which makes it easier.


I visited her yesterday in her shop. It felt like an eternity when I last saw her. We hugged for a longer while than a normal hug and I told her that I missed her a lot. She said that she missed me too. Whe used the word "missed" so I take it that she did actually mis me. What do you people think?


I got the longest two months to go before I can take her on dates and give her, her birthday present on the end of February. Maybe both on the same day. That would be sweet.

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I really think that you should ask her out before the end of Feb. She is still living close by...can you go to a movie together? Can you rent a movie and watch it at her place? How about a picnic on the beach?


Try to think of something. By Feb. you are going to have this all worked up in your mind so much that you will not have to courage to ask her out. You think it is tough now! Plus, what if she meets some other guy at her new job?


Are you sure that you are not putting this off just because you are afraid to aske her out? Don't let her be the one that got away! You will think back on her for the rest of your life and wish you did things differently....


Trust me

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Oh, and it is not pretzel-shaped. It is pretty normal actually. I am sure a lot of people here can relate to you. I am reacting because I see a lot of my own reticence in your (in)action. I remember what it is like, and I know that if I could go back to your age, I would do some things differently. This being one of the big ones

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She works everyday until 6pm. She has to take a taxi home everyday after that. I need a car. I can ask her out when I have a car. I can't do anything about this until I get a car. Her new work is a 30 minute drive from my place. I will drive that way though for her.


Mentor, I don't want this one to be the one that got away. I don't want to have the conscience of I could've had her if I did something differently. I really want to know what the DIFFERENT thing to do is.


I really don't want to lose this one. I visited her today and convinced myself that I am no good whatsoever at talking to women. I don't talk enough! I need to plan conversations before I start them. I will practice them if I have to until it gets natural. She didn't seem so talkative to me today. I think its a bad thing.


I sympathize with people who had to go through this type of thing, especially those who never had a chance like this. I know now how it feels.


I am 100% confident that I can be the perfect boyfriend. I can be very romantic. I just need someone who loves me. I want her to be this one. I know I can keep her happy. I just need to get her first. HOW? I can do all these ideas when I get a car and a drivers.

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