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You've probably read several posts about the girl I like. The one problem is that I don't know if she has a bf or not. I don't know her friends all too well, but I know them a little bit (if I had to ask them)


Question: What's the best way about going about this and why?

A.) Ask one of her friends if she has a bf myself - even though I'd be spilling the beans by doing this.

B.) Get help from a friend they don't know (from another school) and he'll ask her friend if she has a bf - like he'll say "my friend was wondering" but he wouldn't say who. We have a plan set up if they started asking us questions about this and hopefully it would work.

C.) Ask an acquaintance who might know - He'll learn that I like her, but he would be less likely to tell her than one of her friends.

D.) Other (explain what it is)


A would give me the best answer, but would blow my cover and I'd have to ask her out quickly if she's single.

B is high risk-high reward - it could work to perfection without anyone knowing I'm pulling the strings, but if they figure it out I'm screwed.

C is almost a last resort - another kid to start rumors.

D...??? is there a better way? If so, what is it?


Any help is appreciated.

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You said under answer A, that you would have to ask her out quickly, as I found out, they will not sit around and wait for you, so no matter what, You have to do it in a timely manner. Maybe you should just be like "hey, what did you get for christmas", if she doesnt say something like" well my bf got me...." then ask, "so...what did your bf get you for christmas", assuming she has one, but then atleast you'll kno if she doesnt. Good Luck!!!!

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Thanks for your input!


Unfortunately, I'll likely be doing this in the year 2005 because we have winter break and I think she may be going away. I can go up and tell her this in person during school when I see her again, even though it's a risk - hopefully all works out well.

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Thanks for your input!


Unfortunately, I'll likely be doing this in the year 2005 because we have winter break and I think she may be going away. I can go up and tell her this in person during school when I see her again, even though it's a risk - hopefully all works out well.


It's not really a big risk as long as you stay casual. Just ask her out, if she says no, then shrug it off and move on. I mean - it's her loss, right?


She'll be flattered either way. It's not a bad thing to let someone know that you are interested in them


Good luck!

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I IMed her today (more below), but I'll wait till I see her in school to address the bf issue. Why? Because whenever I talk about relationships, bf/gf, anything like that online to a girl, all h*ll breaks loose.


So, the IM. I think it went well. She's pretty shy, so a decent response from her is a big +. I started the IM and we talked for around 20 minutes. We talked about what we were doing over break, and I was surprised she asked me what I was doing (over break) because she's shy and usually doesn't talk a lot (looks like a good sign then). Towards the end, one of us said "yeah" to something and we kept going back and forth saying "yeah" for around 5 minutes (just to be funny or something like that). If it's important, she said she's going away tomorrow to see a friend (I think it's in Ohio, we're in NY). I dunno if it's just a friend or a bf (she didn't say bf), but I'll worry about that when school comes around.


Chances are I don't really talk to her until we get back in school (probably the 2nd day back cuz I hardly see her the day we get back b/c of a rotating schedule) so then I'll jump into action.


I don't think any of this meant too much but if you think it could mean or show something, feel free to post what you think!

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