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Is confidence in females a turn on or attraction

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My question is, is confidence in females a turn on or attraction.


The reason i ask this question is that i went to a formal dance, i went solo however saw alot of girls that arent exactly considered attractive and are slightly overweight with some GORGEOUS guys.


Now, although these ladies were not very attractive they are incredibly confident, you can just feel how happy they are with their bodies and apperance when they walk into a room.


I have been told i look rather pretty and with the help of all those who replyed to my topics i'm beginning to see myself at pretty when i look in the mirror. The thing is when in outside in public i still cant really make eye contact with guys i think are really gorgeous becuause i think they wouldnt give me the time of day.


Also i've been trying desperatly to loose weight though in truth im average ( about 135 at 5'7). basically im lacking in confidence and happyness with my body.


Now seeing this extreamly confident ladies with these gorgeous guys makes me think confidence is the key. thought they werent that pretty u could tell they had accepted their bodies and were happy with themselves.

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u pretty much have to be happy with urself in this world coz unless ur loaded with cash theres very little you can do about it. i like a confident girl. i spose its because im a bit shy and they help me out. i hav a bit of a dislike for extremely confident girls because they tend to be very vain and are good at noticing faults in other ppl.

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i agree! confidence is key! smiling alot (and I mean real smiling, not faking it) can show people you are happy with yourself and a strong person. Don't base it all on having a SO though. Be happy with yourself and other people will follow suit. Oh, and it helps to be a nice person as well, cuz if you're happy but not nice they'll just think you're stuck up.

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i argee with everyone.......i believe confidence is the key.


i work with a really nice girl at work and she lacks confidence in herself.but ive seen her laughing away and she looks really gorgeous.but because she isnt confident,she doesnt smile alot and this puts me off.


anyway,whhat im trying to say is that a girl looks 10 times better AT LEAST when she smiles.whhen she is happy.its the same with friend of mine,who wasnt happy for a while and she didnt look her best.now she has a boyfriend,my god she looks gorgeous!


learn to appreciate who you are and like who you,love who you are.that way,you will be fending guys away!


so to do this,do whatever it takes for you to feel good.just one thing,be true to yourself.dont change yourself into someone else,be who you are and someone will love you for being you.


you sound lovely.hope it works out.


take care

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Trust me, confidence will take you miles further. But it has to be real, not feigned. Just as you will begin to see it with some guys - they, too will see through a false confidence quickly, and some may even take advantage of whatever insecurites they find.


Don't confuse confidence with loud, boisterousness. You can be confident while still being nice and polite. The greatest display of confidence is the quiet strength that comes from within. It is in the way you carry and conduct yourself.


I've known some very average looking girls that guys fell all over, just because the girls carried and presented themselves well.


Lastly, I agree with the statement that you don't need a boyfriend to achieve confidence in yourself. Having a man is not what legitamizes you.


You sound like a very good person, and though you talk as if you are somewhat reserved, it is clear that you have within you what it takes to achieve what you are striving for. You'll do well - just keep at it.

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Just smile, keep your head up. If you look at a guy you find attractive, and he turns away or doesn't look back at you, he's not the one for you anyway. But be happy with yourself, and people will be drawn to you. Everybody likes a nice smile, plus, if more than one person says you're pretty, you probably are, hold onto that and use it to build your confidence.

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confidence is okay, but not too much (not to the point where it becomes arrogance).


i don't know - it doesn't really matter for me. shy girls or confident girls are both cute in their own ways. extremely shy or extremely confident girls are a bit of a turn off now.


i don't know, a girl who's pretty comfortable with herself, but a few insecurities are okay too.

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How strange -- guys like confident girls and i've noticed I like guys who, though they are confident, have their own little faults and insecurities because it makes them seem so cute and you just want to hug them and tell them that its alright and that their hair is so cute curly and please for the love of god don't shave it all off again and okay i'm rambling now and i'll stop. xP


But, really. You'd think it would be the other way around, wouldn't you?

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How strange -- guys like confident girls and i've noticed I like guys who, though they are confident, have their own little faults and insecurities because it makes them seem so cute and you just want to hug them and tell them that its alright


Well how I believe to be confident can be compared to as a gentle giant. I have my insecurities but everybody does. All guys and girls have their own ways and quirks and such and such. But you wont notice that until you really get to know them. If guys show too much insecurities, or too many insecurities too early that will turn females off definitely. In all in all expressing confidence and expressing insecurities to attract another person works best with balance. I would never show insecurities when starting to date and I'm talking about immature insecurities. Having fears and doubts is normal but displaying a lack of trust and insecurity are bad qualities. Expressing the quality of confidence should not only be required for first impressions and the next dates, but to hold that in your lifestyle as well. When guys lose control of themselves (composure) and their part in the relationship is where the attraction begins to fall.


When confident females express themeselves at their weakest and most vunerable positions but is able to keep a balance of it and be able to control it, that is what really attracts me.

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Also i've been trying desperatly to loose weight though in truth im average ( about 135 at 5'7). basically im lacking in confidence and happyness with my body.




Sorry for being sarcastic, but 5'7 - 135 pounds is not fat... it's not even chubby. Playboy and Maxim and whatever seems to have the world thinking that we all need to have perfect bodies, especially women. Jeez Louize, women don't need to be 36-24-36, long legs, long wavy hair and big 'ol breastststs. Be happy with who you are, and yes confidence is the key. I have a friend who is a very large woman and she's got gorgeous guys all over her, and do you know why? Confidence and Personality. Strut your stuff, and 5'7 - 135 sounds like good stuff to me!


Just my opinion.

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I can't tell if a guy is good-looking or ugly. If I think a guy is not good-lookin, girls usually say that he is. EX: I thought the male cast of Friends were'nt real good-looking, but later on I found out by girls that they were good-looking!


I don't even know how this relates to your topic. I guess I just wanted to let it out. lol

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I'm not shy but, for reasons long and complex to do with my history, childhood and lots of other boring stuff, I don't tend to approach girls/women. Put me in a room with my soul mate and I'd never know it unless she talked to me. So yes, confidence is a big turn on for me. I really really don't like the "Oooh, I'm just a poor little female waiting for a big man to come and sweep me away" attitude. Sorry, I'm grumbling again. Um...yes, confidence=good thing (for me).

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