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Anyone feel the Girl you could see yourself with is "out of your reach"


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Not a specific girl, but a girl that represents someone that you could see yourself happy being with. happy to show around. someone you are proud of. Someone you have attraction to.


Does anyone else feel like this kind of girl is hopelessly out of your reach? No matter what steps you take to improve yourself, or how much you put yourself out there, you are not just going to make "the cut".


Of course, this type of girl is different depending on person to person, but the overall theme is the same. you just "know" when it is right. you feel comfortable committing to her.


I've tried to find this person for the past 10 years, sometimes looking actively and sometimes taking a break and focusing on myself, but it always seems to be out of reach. I've also been guilty of entering into long term relationship with people that were not right for me since nothing worked out before and I hurt them in the process. I have improved vastly in pretty much all areas of my life but this is one area that just does not change, and in fact has gotten much worse. I Do not know the last time I was actually excited to go on a date with someone. I go on dates with women I am not too excited about hoping that maybe I can give them a chance or maybe I can look past physical attributes or other things such as lack of common interests/etc. But I never feel that real spark and remember the times where I dragged on relationship were I was not really attracted to the person and it never worked out.


Yet I see others, not trying at all or just floating through life with no ambition or direction and getting dates with these women that I would kill to just have a date with. I talk with them and see them occasionally, but they are literally always engaged, have other options, or have a boyfriend.


I am not sure what the purpose of this thread was, maybe just an outlet or maybe open to suggestions from people.

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I think people have already given you great advice for the same threads you have posted in the past.


^^ This. When I saw this thread I was about to reply to it then I thought, "Wait a minute... this sounds familiar..." and decided to refrain. Maybe someone else has another angle, but I think we covered at least 95% of them with you in other threads.

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