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Little help over here!


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Hey guys -


Been talking to this girl online for a few days now and it's been going outstanding -- there's definitely a chemistry between us that's hard to find. We started talking on Tuesday and, because of how soon and our schedules, didn't have plans to meet until after Easter weekend. Her family is in town for Easter weekend (my family's all out of town), so my plan for the weekend was just to relax and do my own thing. She was going to spend the evening with her sister getting pedicures and whatnot, so I was probably going NC for the night, maybe just drop her a "Thought of you - hope you're having a great time" text at some point but that's it.


I got home from work at about 530 and cracked open a few cold ones and watched the game. Now, I guess I'm sort of a lightweight, so keep that in mind here. I had 3 8.1% steel reserve pints when the text came accross around 730:


"Hey, my sister wants to know if you want to meet up and have a drink."


Crap. Uh, yeah, I do want to meet you, but crap. See, I wasn't drunk at all, I was definitely buzzing though, and I was worried about being buzzed and having ANOTHER drink in front of her AND her sister for the first meeting -- not that I wouldn't have great charisma (would probably be better than normal), just that it's harder to judge people and if they're having a good time and keep a filter on what you're saying when you've had a few. Not to mention it's hard to remember what you said the next day and could be "blindsided" by her saying "I can't believe you said this" etc. etc.


Anyway I accepted and grabbed a taxi and went and saw her. All indications during and after the date/meetup are it went off very well. She's so gorgeous and her smile is AMAZING -- we definitely had a couple moments where our eyes locked and the world around us disappeared. It was like that. (Again, I think. LOL.) She was smiling and laughing the whole time, and I deftly included her sister and kept both of them entertained. I think.


Here's where I think I may have screwed up -- sent her this text right afterwards and I quote:


"_____ I really did have a wonderful time tonight. I hope you feel the same way and I can't wait to see you again. You're literally like, amazing. I hope you have a great Easter weekend with your family and get closer with them, but I'd be lying if I didn't say all tonight did was make me want to know more about you and spend more time with you. It sounds ridiculous because it is and I'm sorry but I'm just putting it out there."


In the nature of our conversations so far, this was deeper/more emotional than anything else I'd said to her so far. My concern is not that it's not true -- it's 100% the truth -- it's that I sent it to her too soon and possibly unsolicited or not yet solicited. Not to mention I'm still waiting for the time bomb to go off of her bringing up something I said. The alcohol is what sent that text, even though after reading it this morning I am pretty happy that I at least didn't send her something that wasn't true or was WAY overboard.


What do you think?

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Well, it's simple. If I had liked the guy, I would have loved the message. If I was so and so about him, I would just be flattered. If I hadn't liked him, I wouldn't respond to that message at all.

From her response I can't tell much but she does say she wants to meet again....so, just ask her to meet as soon as you can

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