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Reaching out to anyone who can give me help

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Very recently i have been getting together with this lovley girl, and i couldnt believe my luck when i found her. We had both know each other for a really long time and recently, started to have a serious relationship. We both really like eachother's company, and are very serious about us. This relationship lasted for only 1 week due to problems that could not have been avoided.

Last year, we both started to have a crush on each other. We danced at a party and had a great time. The next day this girl was very serious about me and i could see this. I did not ask her out at the time due to the fact that i did not know her well enough and i may have been going into a relationship that i didnt want. This could have hurt her. Now i wish i had asked her out

1 month later, she started to date 1 of my mates and it bothered me a bit. I could see that they were both happy together so i left it.

Ever since then, they both had a long-term relationship where they have broken up and got back together on a number of occasions. My mate had treated this girl not particularly well from what ive heard and made her cry, but she did not want to break up with him.

Here we are today and my mate broke up with her (again). I waited for some time before getting to know her and waited for her to try to get over him. last weekend we had great fun at her best friends party, without my mate being there. He told me face to face that i could get together with her and i assumed that he had no mixed feelings about her. Me and this girl had a great time at the party and were going out ever since that party. During this last week, my mate suddenly decided to ask her out again with the suspicion that i was going out with her. She said "no" to him, and told me that she was confused and didnt know what to do.

1 day later, he reliased that we were going out and called her nasty names over text. I came round and supported her. After the fight they had, me and her were getting along so well, and i thought i found my perfect partner.

2 days ago she gave back dvds and vids to him when he finished work. He was suddenly nice to her again, and has been texting her ever since. Now because she has been going out with him for so long, she still feels attached to him in some way. This is understandable.

I gave myself emotionally to her, because i couldnt help it and followed my heart. She is so amazing.

Yesterday came the bad news. She said that she is really confused and needs time to think. She said that we should no longer be together until she has sorted out everything in her head.

I have an inkling that she wants to disscuss her long term relationship with this guy.

at the moment im not sure what to do. Should i keep in contact with her still? Will she decide to get back together with me? I have been told that this guy is trying to compete with me over her, and doesnt actually want her at all. Could this be true? If any1 has experienced this before, please help me. This has happened before christmas and i dont want it to be the worst 1 ive had. thanks for reading.

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Hmm...this is just my opinion.


I don't think this other guys wants her, but he doesn't want you to have her either, because he knows you two would be happy together. But she may go back to him, because she has been with him before, she misses him, has feelings for him. I've been in her position before, with a guy treating me the way that he is treating her.


He would dump me, tell me sweet, romantic things, tell me he was sorry, that he wanted me back, that he was different, it would never happen again, blahblahblah but it never changed. Eventually, she'll learn that.


It's all up to her. Whether you want to hold on, it's up to you.



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