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Well as some of you have realised; I've just had my graduation, going to a new school; leaving some 400 people behind. I just got home from school today, the last day of school. Everyone had been crying and hugging, we knew that we wouldnt all see each other, not everyone anyway.


I got home and realised the fact my friends meant so much. Girls signed my school shirt with love hearts and everything. I never realised how much they all cared about me while boys gave me a farewell. People wrote "miss ya loads sam" and such. Now I feel so sick in my head; I'll never see all of them again, all I have is whats on my graduation shirt, peoples signatures.


Will I see them all again?

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Well for me its been 5 years since my highschool graduation. I wasn't the most social person, but you'll be surprised who you'll bump into. People you didn't even know that well will treat you like an old friend- its weird that way.


Another thing i noticed is that the new friends/acquaintences you acquire in the years to come can often have an eerie link back to high school days (eg: their sister was in the same grade as me etc..).


I even got a second chance at my high school crush that i was too dim to act on back then... managed to date for a while but things didn't work out, at least i now know as opposed to wondering what would have been.


You wont see them all, but it will surprise you the amount of times and who else your paths will cross with, lifes strange like that!.

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I was in denial about leaving high school. I loved it. No worries, and classes were a breese and I was a social butterfly.

The key is you'll stay in contact with the people you want to stay in contact with. Make it a point to call them or email or write, get together and whatnot. Then there will never be a question of "will I ever see them again?" I have a lot of friends I haven't physically seen since I graduated but that I have kept in contact with. You won't lose them.

College isn't better or worse, just different. You're going to have a completely different relationship with those people. People from all over the country and other nationalities and life experiences...and you'll go to bars and parties with them and live with them and really grow with them. Change is hard but you have a lot of fun ahead of you.

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I hated high school and I am really glad its over. For the first few months you will really miss high school, but as time goes by it will all become a distant memory. For me, I rarely think about high school. Now and then I run into people I met at high school, and its really nice to see them. But high school really isn't an important part of your life. When you can work full time and be financially independent, thats REAL LIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If these people are truly friends then you will keep in touch. Also, when you graduate it can be highly emotional for alot of people. They make a big deal out of every little thing and person they knew. But time will tell how many people meant the things they said and wrote or how many did it because the were emotional. Graduating can make you sad about leaving your high school years but you have so much more to look forward to. High isn't the best years of your life, those years are yet to come. And your real friends will always be there.

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In that case, you've got even more to look forward to then I thought. But the same idea applies to any graduation. Since everyone is going separate ways there is a tendency to look fondly at the times together. Some people you may never hear from again. But the real friends will stay in touch and you'll meet new friends as well. Your life will change alot over the next few years, enjoy yourself.

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