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She's not asking you on a date. She's asking you if you want the tickets. It doesn't really matter what she's attempting to do. Don't try and understand. Don't play games. Take it, and everything at face value.


If she was asking you out you wouldn't have to come here to ask us.

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I'm just wondering if she is asking me on like a date.


Let me know if you could use them....not a date request.

That would be....let me know of you want to go with me.


She is trying to get you to respond like a good little puppy.

She is bribing you with treats.

If you respond....you will.just get your nose smacked again.

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You were dishonest...owned up to it and she says she can forgive you and the changes her mind every few days. Until she accepts that she forgives or moves on you are not obliged to jump every time she snaps her fingers.


I feel like the only way she can forgive me is if I prove I've been improving in aspects to honesty.God am I confused look

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That is BS. You cannot prove anything. You owned up to it and she either here over it or doesn't and she has been jerking you around.


If you want her to treat you with respect instead of a lap dog...stand your ground.


BTW...you don't have an anniversary. She broke up with you.

The relationship is over.


This is just her.playing mind games with you.

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I feel like the only way she can forgive me is if I prove I've been improving in aspects to honesty.God am I confused look


Don't fall into this trap. Nothing is your fault, she's just managed to manipulate you into feeling guilt and shame over the end of the relationship. Disown and ignore.

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