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Menstrual cups?

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Anyone tried one?


I have very heavy periods and I know this is against the "rules" but I sleep with two super tampons on and a pad and STILL soak through. It's so gross.


I don't mind having to change frequently through out the day (like once every 30 mins!) but I need something to help me out at night.


I've read up on one particular brand of menstrual cup, the Diva Cup, and it's gotten nothing but good reviews but id like to know if any of you ladies tried it! Did it help with heavy periods? No mess in the morning? Sorry if this is TMI but I'm at my wits end! lol

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Have you seen your gynecologist about your heavy periods?


Yeah. There's nothing "bad" going on... It's just my body I guess. I guess I should add I was on the shot (aka poison in my opinion) and it elevated my estrogen levels and it freaked my gyno out and she thought I might be infertile as a result, but it all settled back down and went back to normal within a few months thank god. That was about a year ago. Idk if that would have Anything to do with it.

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I was the same as you. Went to the doctor and she recommended that either I went with the coil or the pill Cerrazette. I chose Cerazette and havent had a period for over 18 months. Its changed my life. Definitely worth considering. I was also given Ponstan years ago which eased the flow.


Talk to your doctor, they have have other options ifyou dont fancy any of these.

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I was the same as you. Went to the doctor and she recommended that either I went with the coil or the pill Cerrazette. I chose Cerazette and havent had a period for over 18 months. Its changed my life. Definitely worth considering. I was also given Ponstan years ago which eased the flow.


Talk to your doctor, they have have other options ifyou dont fancy any of these.


Hormones and me don't mix. I've tried many bc pills and they all affect me very negatively.

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Don't sleep with two tampons on. I did that once by accident (I was so sick, I couldn't even remember anything I did) and as a result, got bacterial infection thing before.


I have a Diva cup actually. There's two types of cups, one usually for those who haven't had child birth, the the other one for those who did. But sometimes you'd need the other one, despite never having child birth, can be tricky. Inserting the cup the first few times could also be tricky to get it right. But once it's done right, there are little to no leaks (Either wear a pad or one of those washable pads). It seriously can hold 3X the liquid in it and can stay in there for twelve hours! I like. Just wash the cup after your cycle is done in preparation for the next cycle by boiling in hot water for a few minutes. That way, you could prolong its use.

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So even though I've never had a child, do you suggest the one for women who have had children, since I have heavier periods?


And I know sleeping with two tampons isn't smart. But it's the only thing to help from my bed being stained when I wake up or setting an alarm for every hour/ half hour!!

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I also have a Diva cup and it's changed my life for the better. I really dislike pads, they make my stomach churn (on top of the period cramps) and tampons were starting to get to me as well.

Just keep it clean, like Willow said, sterilise it. I think everyone should try it out to be honest, for me it doesn't even feel like anything is "in" and I get to just forget about it all day.

If you have really heavy periods getting a bigger size might work but it might also be uncomfortable for you if it is too big for your body. I would say in your situation get both sizes so you can see which one works better

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So even though I've never had a child, do you suggest the one for women who have had children, since I have heavier periods?


And I know sleeping with two tampons isn't smart. But it's the only thing to help from my bed being stained when I wake up or setting an alarm for every hour/ half hour!!



I have no idea. You'll have to try it and see. I need to also try it and see as well.

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I tried Diva cup but I am very tight down there and I wasn't able to be comfortable using it. I inserted it right too. I am jealous of anyone who can use it because it's a great product. I say it's worth the try for you.


I had heavy periods like you until I got an IUD and now I actually rarely get a period. Maybe a couple times a month. It's very abnormal and I have ovarian cysts but I am not trying to pregnant so I don't really care anymore.

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You should test the waters first and try those Instead SoftCups. They can be found at CVS for about $8. The DivaCuos are a bit expensive and can be found at Whole Foods. I think they run around $40 but you don't have to keep rebuying and can last years if taken care of properly. The Instead SoftCups are one time use (12 hours) and you get 14 in a box. They hold a lot of liquid and tends to empty itself out each time you bear down to use the toilet so you never really have to take it out to drain it. I've experienced no leakage using them, but you can always wear a pantyliner for leaks if your flows is very heavy.

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