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Where's my "thing"?

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This morning I was hacking at my wrists with a potato peeler. First time I've ever harmed myself in that particular way. Didn't bleed much.


Everytime one of my friends gets depressed, some "thing" always comes along to pull them back from the brink. A new girl, a new job, et cetera.


Now it's my turn. Where's my "thing"? Why am I the only one who, when he gets depressed, tends to stay that way? Why am I the only one who gets to the brink of suicide and then just sort of hangs there, in unbearable pain, for days or weeks at a time?

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i agree..you've gotta try your best to get a new attitude. i know it's hard, but you've gotta believe that things CAN happen for you too. you've just gotta believe that and go for it. and please please try and stop self harming. especially in that way. don't cut your wrists, you could REALLY hurt yourself one day. don't cut deep either. i know you can do this, i was once hopelessly addicted, but i quit. your "thing" will come along, you've just gotta believe in yourself. i believe in you and so do the rest of us. we're all here for support. take care and check this site out for help


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