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Are these enough signals?


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Uh, well, I dunno... Did I say I was gonna get her email? Lol, well, if I did I guess I was wrong, cause I already got her phone #... Ok, I'll call once more and that's it. If she doesn't pick, then a message it is... Thank you. Wish me luck cause I'll do it tomorrow (today, cause it's already way past midnight, lol). Thank you.

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oh, I am giving this advice because I got this girl's number at a party and called her all the time and never gave her a chance to respond. It seemed desperate and she never called me back. In fact, she blocked my number I found out later. So yeah, I speak from experience. You are getting for free what I had to pay for! haha

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Ok, I tried to call again, and again it was her answering machine... I left the message... Dammit, I feel kinda ridiculous... I mean, now I think that she's not back yet and when she comes back she'll listen to that message I left her, and I really don't think I sounded my best (in fact, I know I didn't)... dammit! Oh well...

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DeadEyes, relax. Dating is supposed to be fun, not stressful. You sound very anxious about all of this and the first thing you should do is calm yourself down. Tell yourself that whatever happens will happen with this girl. If you take this advice, then you should have an easier time figuring out the details regarding what should be done.

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I'm calmed... the thing is. Oh well... I mean, what will I say if she doesn't return the call and I see her on monday? I mean, I know it'll be kinda awkward... For all I know she could be not interested still... I mean, yes, she gave me her cellphone #, but maybe she was just being nice or something? I dunno... a little help on this one? What should I say if she doesn't return the call? It's just that it's in my pessimistic nature to plan for the worst...

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Did you make a mistake with what? I don't think you did. Just wait for it. Thats the hardest part besides asking for the number. Just wait. It shows that you aren't desperate and implies that you have a life of your own.


Just wait. Maybe on Monday she will call or maybe when school starts again you might run into her. Who knows? Just give the girl the time to call back. Be confident in yourself. I've done that before also...left a horrifying message and lo and behold the girl called back all excited that I called her. I don't remember how long it took but I did have at least couple days wait.


You'll be fine.

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Hey DeadEyes,


I've been reading this thread with interest, and I thought I would bring up a few thoughts I had.


The fact that this girl gave you her cell number is very good, but be warned that it doesn't necessarily mean she'll go out with you. I once asked a girl out, got her number, and called her the next day (which was when we had planned our date for). She didn't return my calls until after the time we were supposed to get together, and made excuses. We never ended up going out.


So while there is no guarantee that this girl likes you, the way you described how you two interact (smiles, eye contact, etc.) and even the time when she "seemed to avoid your eyes" all suggests to me that she does. In short, don't expect a "yes" just because she gave you her number...BUT, the signs all look positive.


Oh yeah, another thing. Try to arrange to pick her up, if at all possible. I know you have a transportation problem, but maybe if your bro is as cool as you say, he might be willing to serve as your chauffeur? He could drop you guys off, and you could call him when you're ready to go. I don't see the 1-block distance between the theater and the restaurant as a problem -- just take a nice stroll with her after dinner (be sure to allow for this extra time when choosing your movie showing).


When you ask her out, try to make it sound casual. "Hey, I think it would be fun if we saw (insert movie name) on Friday night. What do you think?" If yes, then mention dinner, and ask her if it's okay if you pick her up at some time you pick...say, 6. It's important that you sound confident and relaxed, as it will make her feel less nervous and more likely to respond to you well.

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Well, she didn't call, and tomorrow we're back to school, and I don't have a clue of what I'm supposed to hear from her, but well, if she doesn't say nothing, I'll just say hi and that's it I guess... I don't think she'll say anything, or maybe she'll just say she has a boyfriend or something like that... I dunno. Well, I already expected this to happen anyway. Best wishes, and thanks to everyone who supported me.

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Just a little update: The girl hasn't called, and I'm not sure why... I saw her today, and tried to say hi as she came into class (last time we'll be on that classroom together), but again she like looked the other way, like she always does when she comes in... But then I had to fix some little problems and left class almost immediately... Neways, I guess my question is: Should I just forget this, or should I perhaps try to call her again at the end of the week? I mean, it could just as well be she just doesn't check her voicemail, or she does it very rarely (although I think it's another reason, but with this girl I'll never be able to tell...). I dunno. I mean, you're welcome to tell me I should forget this, cause I'd be more than willing to do it (after all, there are other fish in the sea)... But if there's a chance with this one, I'd take it too...

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I think you should still try with the current girl, wait a week or so; if she doesn't talk to you by then then i'm sorry, but I think you should forget her. It could easily be possible that she doesn't check her voicemail though (no one around where I live does), because the polite thing *would* be to call someone back... but... I dunno.


Anyway, there's no law saying that you can't be out there meeting other girls while waiting for her to reply.

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I think you should still try with the current girl, wait a week or so; if she doesn't talk to you by then then i'm sorry, but I think you should forget her. It could easily be possible that she doesn't check her voicemail though (no one around where I live does), because the polite thing *would* be to call someone back... but... I dunno.


Anyway, there's no law saying that you can't be out there meeting other girls while waiting for her to reply.



Yeah, that's exactly what I was talking about... Either that or just abandon the chase right now. Thanks.

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yeah, i'd say just wait it out. if she doesn't call, you've already moved on. you tried, now its up to her to put some effort in. if she can't do that then she isn't worth your time.


so maybe she'll call, but if not then you at least gained some experience with flirting and asking for the number.


i hope she calls, but in the meantime, start looking around heh heh.

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Nah, nothing new... I've only seen her a couple of times from far away, and I think we've got the same lunch. But I never get near her, not that I want to either... So, well, unless there's something I can do, or something happens, I won't give importance to this anymore... Sorry for not updating... but if I had had better news, I would've posted immediately. I've already started looking around, by the way, lol. And I hope I have better luck, cause I don't seem to have such good luck with the ladies... Best wishes.

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Hey, I'm sorry to hear that she didn't call back. At least you gained from the experience. Always remember that females are just like us...only worse haha.


If you only left that one message, and its been over a week, call her one more time, hopefully you'll reach her, but if not leave a message with your phone number and then forget about it. Just don't have any expectations about it.


I learned that you can never really expect much from them because they tend to protect their image before telling the truth. Not all of them of course, but the majority hate to be viewed as a mean person so they figure that a lie or giving out their number is better than a flat rejection.


I bet in your case a flat out no would have been better than the wild-goose chase that she put you on, right?

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