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Should we stay Broken up???


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I have been a relationship with a lady for almost 4 years. A few weeks ago I logged onto one of her social accounts and saw that she had been having flirtatious conversations with guys via her inbox. One of the guys was a guy who was a friend of hers that wanted her to not date me around the time we started dating that I told her not to talk to anymore. In another a guy asked her if she was still with her "bf" (me) and she said it was complicated, and another she attempted to meet up with on a trip. The problem is that all of the messages were from mid 2012, and I just saw them in 2014. I broke up with her over it but of course I miss her. My head and heart are in two different places. What should I do? Am i wrong for ending the relationship because of these instances?

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No you're correct it was two years ago meaning two years into their four year relationship. In my opinion, the only reason she is not looking else where is because the opportunity has yet to present itself or perhaps it has and the OP does not know about it. In my opinion after being together for two years and looking to meet up with other guys while on a trip is an indicator of someone who is untrustworthy.

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