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I want a boyfriend.. But...


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I really want a boyfriend! The guys I end up liking I either find out later they have a girlfriend or that they don't like me in that way it has been almost 2 years without a boyfriend, and it sucks. I keep basing my self worth on if I have a guy or not and it hurts inside to see others with boys and me not having one. I like this guy but how he feels about me is a mystery. I am so confused and convinced that I will never be in a relationship! Help!

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You should be basing your worth on who you are, not on if you have a boyfriend. Being in a relationship isn't the most important thing in the universe. There is more to life than that. Instead of wishing you had a boyfriend, why not look at this as an opportunity to explore new things and take up new interests? Your young and there is a world of opportunities out there just waiting for you. If you take your mind off of boys then love will probably find you when you least expect it and it will be that much sweeter when it happens. But focusing on it so much will just drive you crazy. I know not being in a relationship can get depressing, but only when your constantly thinking about. Think about the person who you are and all the great qualities you have, do the things you like to do, and just enjoy being free and unattached.

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You're lucky in a way you know...


A relationship is not all peaches and cream. Love is a beatiful thing hun, but the heartache is NOT worth it!


If you're basing self-worth on being with a guy (in a r'ship), you will end up getting hurt! BADLY! What if you do find a guy? And he breaks your heart?? As you probably have noticed, most posters are going through a HARD breakup... It's not a good thing. Trust me! In fact, I have read some posters who have gone out with a person for only 2 months and affected them so much that after a year, they still aren't over it.


Yes, i agree with others that you are still young! Heck, I myself is only 17, and honestly, I do want a bf myself... but, as they said, not everything is about it. hehe


CHILL out! Enjoy being single!

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been there,


last year and before, i couldnt get a guy if i tried, mostly because i was sooo shy, and afraid of what everyone thougt of me. this summer i got into my first real reationship, kinda like in grease, summer lovin...lol it was amazing. I was doing some stuff on broadway during the summer and i was a completely different person. When i went to school this year, it was the most drastic change i have ever whitnessed, people were talking about how i changed and what not.


JUST BE YOURSELF, your time will come, your young and beautiful and there is someone waiting for you.

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I know this sounds trite, but the truth is that you have to like yourself before you can expect others to like you. If you base your self-worth on having a boyfriend, then you are essentially saying that you're *NOTHING* without one. And, if you believe that, you'll make others believe it, too.


Circumstances will NOT make us happy because we always want *more*. For instance, NOW, you say you'd be happy if you had a bf. After you get one, however, you'll say something else (i.e. you'll be happy whe he'd takes you out more, acts more romantic, etc.). You need to stop basing your happiness on external things and start being happy just because you are you.


You won't be happy *within* a relationship until you can be happy *without* one.

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