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When long friendships end badly


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So I've been friends with a two sisters and recently our friendship ended and I was shocked at the level of disrespect by both of them. I know that friendship like all relationships grow apart but i had a heard time believing that they could be so vicious. Long story short I was in their car and their younger sister (third one) told me to .. After I told the sister she's being rude she apologized I a fake way. So I'm waiting for the older sisters to apologize and they didn't say a word. When I asked for an apology they said were not gonna apologize and u should of accepted our little sister apology. I'm over our so called friendship It's just whenever I think about it I'm seriously shocked.

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does the bratty little sister always instigate eff-ery with you? How has the relationship with the older sister been deteriorating? When did you first notice it happening?


expect for family members to circle the wagons, even if one of them is in the wrong. Your best bet is to cut all ties to these ingrates.

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