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ok this is getting ridiculous now........


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Hey every1.. i'll start all over again.... ive liked this girl from the past year or so. we go to the same college but dont have any classes together and we're doing completely different subjects. Now we catch da same bus home to college and vice versa......


But whenever i am about to talk to her i get sooooooooooooo nervous that i cant im just toooo shy not just around her but generally around girls.... this is the first girl ive liked and even though i got a conversation started asking her the time it was wen we were walking up to the college, i couldnt start a conversation then coz she seemed in a bit of a hurry to get to college which meant she was ignoring me a bit ....


so i just need a conversation starter so i get to grips with my nerves and talk to her like my "friend" i freeze most the time i see her in college plus she's got friends with her so i cant talk to her then coz its bad enough talking to one girl without having to talk to like 4 so help anyone?

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well you sound like a really shy but genuienly good person.

Be yourself around her, thats when she'll like you best


but as far a conversation starters go, ill give you some that other people have used on me. One guy came up to me and asked if i was a model because he thought he saw me on the cover of seventeen....kinda lame..but it was cute cause it was infrount of my ex.


another is simply talking to her! ask her what classes she takes, try to snag a seat next to her during lunch or on the bus. just dont get nervous, girls like confedent guys. Its not like shes going to not talk to you, and if she does, then is she really worth your time????


hope this helps!



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First off, its alright to be shy and nervous around a girl you like, girls can have that kind of affect on guys. What you need to do is have a little more confidence in yourself. Tell yourself that you are going to talk to her and whatever happens, happens. Think positively. If yhings go well then good, if it doesn't then at least you fought your shyness and got yourself out there.


As for a conversation starter, ask her how classes are going. You could even say something like "You know, I see you everyday but we've never really had the chance to talk." Ask her what her major is and how collage life treating her. If you see each other on the bus often then try to make small talk each day. Gradually you will become more and more comfortable talking to her. You just have to force yourself to start that initial conversation.

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Yes, you have to force yourself to do it. You have nothing to lose. You can't have success in life without experiencing failure. Sooner or later, you're going to get rejected, but even if you do, it's worth it to attempt to make a conversation because you know that you tried at least. It's a learning experience, and it increases your self-confidence. You should make small talk with her and build rapport - that way it's more likely that she comes up to you to talk next time she sees you. But you have to break the ice.

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