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Clash of Religions


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Nicely constructed straw man there, but nope.
Dude, I am not trying to argue with you. Those are my beliefs. You want to believe that Atheism has nothing to do with how you live your life currently or what will happen to you after you die? Go right ahead, it's no skin off my nose and I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
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If you carefully investigate your boyfriend’s religion you will quickly find evidence of exclusionary tactics. (Ask him how they handle a member who refuses to stop drinking. Etc.)


I think, (not sure), your belief is much less exclusionary.


This is a major compatibly issue.



IthinkIcan's, "Marriage is more than love, it is also an agreement to manage your lives with respect and consideration for one another. There has to be room for each person's views, perspectives, and beliefs."

- Is a beautiful thing!

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Thanks for the bump Lester!


OP: As you can see from the posts, this topic touches close for many of us. If you strip it of its religious content, you are left with someone who wants to fix you despite your protests that you are not broken. I just don't see how that can work under any circumstance.


But best to see this now instead of later.

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I just want to throw in ( as an actual baptist myself) that it isn't a horrible thing be baptist as implied earlier nor do we call members up and humiliate them for drinking. Sorry, just had to clear that up as a life long baptist.


Op, your boyfriend truly believes what he believes. He's not trying to be mean or even control you. At least I don't think. However, if neither one of you will budge, it won't work op.

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Unfortunately, this seems very black and white.


Your boyfriend is staunch in his beliefs - no problem there. However, the extent of his belief makes him insist it's his way or the highway. And that is something you can't deal with.


I have to give you a brief kudos there. It would be much worse, IMO, to give lip service to his beliefs and "pretend" to go along with him when you yourself don't feel like this is the religion and belief structure that intrinsically works for you. In a sense, you would be cheating both of you.


So I'd say you have to have "the talk," and not the usual one. Tell him that, much as you love him, you can't just agree with him to avoid an argument when you don't have true conviction in his faith. That you're willing to give his beliefs and religious needs respect, but he has to be willing to let you believe as you feel is right. Belief that isn't truly felt from the heart is no faith at all. And it would do his faith no honor for you to pretend to a belief that doesn't hold true.

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