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How often do you want sex?


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1. How often do you want sex --> Perhaps everyday.Sometimes if I'm too busy or too stressed or tired,I dont even think about it.


2. How often do you have sex --> Unfortunately not that often cause I dont see my bf very much.


3. Why do you have sex --> Cause I like it and I love my bf.

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1) every day...sometimes more, sometimes less.

2) well my boyfriend and i broke up recently, so rarely. but when we were still going out, 3-4 times a week

3) because i love it, it feels amazing, it relieves all stress, and (when my boyfriend and i were still together) it was something we could do together that made us feel connected.

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1. How often do you want sex

Once a day

2. How often do you have sex

When im at home with my Bf everyday, when im not near him never....im only home on the weekends so its like on average 2 times a week

3. Why do you have sex

I love it. it makes me feel better. healthier more alive and i love when my bf finishes tells me he loves me and that i was amazing. its such a high for me, like pple can tell that me and him have had sex just because my face is glowing. i love it

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1. At least eveyday, more when I'm not with my g/f or know that I won't see her that day


2. Intercourse or Oral? If you combine the two then just about everyday. On average I would say 5 times a week, it just depends on when/where my g/f and I meet up with each other.


3. Sometimes just for fun. Sometimes just to settle the craving one of us was having for the other person that day. Sometimes because we really want to make love with each other. Sometimes to make each other feel better after a bad day or fight (make-up sex). Many reasons to have sex with each other, but we mainly have sex because we love being intimate with each other.

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1) Every day

2) When I was with my ex, it was usually 3-4x a week.

3) It varied. I'd usually do it for fun and to know that my ex loved me. I kept telling her I only wanted it if she willingly wanted me too (not just doing it to shut me up).


I see a lot of women here saying "every day" but I might have to call BS on that one. You might be a few exceptions, but my ex definitely didnt want it every day. Sometimes I know she did it just to appease me, but I'd say on average she'd want it maybe 3x a week, not every day.

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1. Every day. Perpetually. No sooner do I finish, I could go again if he wanted. And he's totally satisfying, so it's not that.


2. When I see my BF we have sex at least once or twice... We don't see each other every day, just 2 to 3 times a week. Works out to about 4 or 5 times a week on average. This is JUST sex, and other things like oral etc. are on top of that.


3. I love the feeling of being closer to my BF than anyone else can ever be, and being able to satisfy him in ways that only his GF can. I also LOVE the look of him when he finishes... Better than the BEST porno out there.

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lol.. vert.. ^^: i don't know about other people but I have a high sex drive. =/ a really high one actually. we could be done at night and i'll want sex in the morning again, then afternoon, then night... and bf'll be exausted so we keep it at only once a day.

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Damn tea.... I hope I find a girl like you some day


Don't get me wrong, my ex wanted it nearly every day after she got comfortable with it, but that didn't last long. She was one of those girls that thought you had to be very traditional about sex. Anyway, that was one of the things that definitely drove a wedge between us. She felt as if I just wanted her as a sex toy, but really I wanted to have sex with her because I connected with her on every level when we did it. I don't know if she understands that now (and I really don't care anyway) but it's true and always will be true. It also goes for whoever my next partner will be -- I want to have meaningful sex... but have it all the time

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1. How often do you want sex


A LOT, I would say everyday at LEAST once, but usually more, and that is what usually happens! I am always in the mood my partner jokes


2. How often do you have sex


When my sweetheart is around, often it is more than once a day, and I tend to enjoy longer sessions too, with lots of foreplay and teasing, and depends also how you define sex...since in one of those sessions there can be a few instances of sexual intercourse, or oral, or play. Or with a bit of a break (or a nap) then more! Lately it has been 2-4 times or more a day when we get together (morning before work, night, couple times during night..etc)



3. Why do you have sex


I love it. I love the excitement, I love getting turned on and teased, I love pleasing my partner, I love the intimacy and the connection, the before and the after when he just looks in my eyes and it feels like he is eating me up. I love having orgasms, I love the closeness, I love feeling devoured and admired and seeing how turned on my partner gets watching and touching me...I love how good it feels...I love trying new things and being adventurous. Sex is like a territory that has a capacity for never ending exploration.

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I love the responses from the girls! I'd like to print this out and send it to my mother, she used to tell me (when I was much younger of course) that girls don't want to have sex all the time! I basically ignored her anyway (being a teenager, of course) this thread just reminded me of that.

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1). I'm pretty much up for it everyday (too bad BF isn't....he tends to be really tired during the week....although this week he has been up for it A LOT ).


2). We generally have sex about 2 to 3 times a week....I would love for it more!


3). Well, I love the way sex feels physically and I love the emotional connection I feel with my BF and also knowing that he feels it too. I just love how he makes me feel sexy and hot.....there is no shortage of compliments about how I look etc....its such an awesome feeling to feel appreciated.

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1. How often do you want sex

At least once a day.


2. How often do you have sex

In the past few months it's only been 1 or 2 times per week. My sex drive is so much higher than my girlfriend's. Many of those times, she's not really into it; it's like she's just doing it to get it over with.


3. Why do you have sex

Lots of reasons:

I love the emotional closeness (when she's into it)

It's a great stress reliever.

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Just so you can have a different point of view:


1. Rarely- Yes, I think about sex like anyone else. But it's not the sex I want. It is the emotional feeling and connection that I desire. It's the sense of two people sharing every aspect of each other.


2. Well, since I'm a virgin that would have to be never. And I'm in no rush to start. I'd rather want for the right person so that the moment can be perfect.


3. As I said, sex is about the connection and bond between two people. It should be two people who love each other and care deeply about each other. It is about tearing down all your defenses and letting someone inside, sharing your very soul. It is the most private, intimate act you can share. That special connection is what makes sex worth having.

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Just so you can have a different point of view:


1. Rarely- Yes, I think about sex like anyone else. But it's not the sex I want. It is the emotional feeling and connection that I desire. It's the sense of two people sharing every aspect of each other.


2. Well, since I'm a virgin that would have to be never. And I'm in no rush to start. I'd rather want for the right person so that the moment can be perfect.


3. As I said, sex is about the connection and bond between two people. It should be two people who love each other and care deeply about each other. It is about tearing down all your defenses and letting someone inside, sharing your very soul. It is the most private, intimate act you can share. That special connection is what makes sex worth having.


I was going to post a response to this thread, but ShySoul summed up my point of view rather nicely in his post. I wouldn't say that I think about it rarely though, more like often. lol. But the rest is pretty accurate.

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1. I think I want sex like every other day. I definantly don't want it everyday though. I probably don't want it so much because my boyfriend isn't around much, so I don't think about it.


2. Once a week because my boyfriend goes to school an hour away, so I only see him once every week. However if he comes home for the weekend, then its like twice a week.


3. I like it for basically the same reasons everyone else does. It feels good and I love the closeness I feel with my boyfriend. I feel so much love for him (I do all the time obviously) when we have sex.

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Yeah, I like the ladies' responses, it fills the void of doubt that my g/f has been faking the phone sex, which I figured out a while back that she isn't, but the little voice in my head has been nagging at me.


1. Since I'm a guy I'd say every day like most people on here, but only with my girlfriend.


2. Well, as for actual sex I'd have to say that sadly, yet appropriately, that has to wait 'till my eightteenth birthday. As for phone sex however I'd say anywhere from every day to about three quarters of the week. Yes, we are teenagers, feel the wrath of our raging hormones.


3. Even if we're not physical I have to say that I do it for the closeness and emotion. It's like I'm hanging on the hindges of the world and surprised I'm not letting go. That one moment when nothing else around us matters and all we care about is each other. I can only imagine the soring feeling when we turn 18 and are actually able to have sex.

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WOW is the only word i can think of right now...i didnt expect people to take such an interest in this at all...ok well moment of truth its time to answer my own question....


1. Probobly every day but it verrys on my mood, like everyone i guess.


2. lol well this is probobly going to geve people a heart attack, normally 1- 6 times a day ........shhhhh.....yes i know......but it depends on how in mood we are and also how tired like lately (the last week) its been once or twice every other day...sometimes more...


3. I do it for one the closeness and intamacy and two it feels good (except for the first few times...ouch!!!)

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i would love sex once a day or every second day, not that i don't like sex, irt's just that our life style is too stressful and busy.


we have sex maybe once a month if we are lucky! currently we are at a record but. we haven't had sex for 3-4 months! sad i know, but our sex life is greatly affected cause we are living with my parents and they are going through a speparation (my dad's a alcolilic). i've offered to help mum out with getting a loan, house, etc. so she will be living with us. she's open and cool with the sex thing (in fact she gets on my partners case about our lack of sex and that she wants us to have a healthy sexual relationship), it's my dad thats not cool about it, and my partner knows this and becomes paranoid that we will get busted. it's very double standard as my father lost his virginity at 10 years old!!!!!! i lost mine at 21 years old.


i love sex as it's the ulim,ate way of being intamite to the one you love. my man's got a great body, and well i love being wrapped up around it. it's so beautiful! sex is such a beautiful thing! that includes mess and all!

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