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so confused

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I don't know whats the matter with me.


I feel like I'm reverting to my high school self


Today I went out and got a cat, I did not inform my sister I was even thinking about getting a cat I just did it.


I thought it would be okay. I spent $45 on cat essentials plus $40 adoption fee.


My sister has a small dog who hates cats (I didnt know this at the time)


After the dog tried to kill the cat for the third time I took it back to the shelter (adoption contract said I had to, not allowed to give it away)


6 months before that I got a puppy that I kept for two weeks but took back because the dogs did not get along.


I Will Not be getting anymore animals on impulse.


I don't know why I'm doing this, I don't know if it's because I've been lonely, I don't know if its residual effects of my miscarriage like I just want to love something?


I've been working, I'm procrastinating about signing up for winter classes, I'm not dating at all right now, and all my friends have moved away so I'm very alone here.


insight is appreciated

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aw, I'm sorry you're having a rough time. it's hard when animals don't get along. in the future, maybe you can get a pet when you live alone. Some animal shelters let you introduce the pets before you adopt.


In the mean time, can you try some meet up groups to make some friends? i think that would be fun. try to sign up for some events and make some new friends. maybe put on an online dating profile too.

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