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well, well, well, I got anohter problem, poor pathetic me, anyways, yeah another problem. Here goes:

My next door neighbor and I are pretty good friends, now she's a girl i'm a guy no big deal. Well for about the past oh month or so, she's been flirting with me quite a lot. Like when we get on the bus: "Oh hi jarhead lookin' good" at school, "like what i'm wearing?", she cheers for me at everything i do. and to top it off she likes to mess up my gelled hair. I know that that definitely is flirting because that's what my old girlfriend did before we went out. any ways, I like it I guess, I mean she's pretty popular and her flirting gets other girls to notice me. yeah she's pretty too so yeah I have intrest just not a whole lot. i guess what i'm asking is, do you think this flirting is going anywhere, like do you think she has a serious intrest in me? well help would be liked and needed. so bye

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I don't mean to be too direct here but what exactly is the problem with this! to clarify yes you're right it does appear that this girl is flirting with you - it may be because she likes you and is interested in you but it may also be that she is the flirty type who likes to have fun and play abit! If she is your neighbour it may also be the fact that she has seen you around her block and it is her way of saying hey you're alright, wanna get to know me a little better? but you say that you do have interest in her but not an awful lot so just ride with it - everyone like to be flirted with right? just enjoy the attention! she'll make it clear to you if she is acting this way because she likes you soon i would guess from the way you've described her behaviour. However if your feelings for her develop in the mean time and you can't make out the signals she's giving you - either try asking out right or if you don't want to (and there are many reasons why people don't like doing this-i for one get s*** scared to ask a guy if he likes me sometimes!) - try asking a mutual friend to ask her how she feels about you - you could do this anyway even if you are just curious about why shes flirting with you so much? anyway i hope this has helped and remember when there's no strong feelings involved you have far more room to have a bit of fun, be yourselves and things may develop naturally. let me know how you go! laterz

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  • 4 weeks later...

Man...you are hopeless. Or else you are just making up these posts to sound REALLY pathetic!! First you can't get a girl, so we all give you advice...now you have a girl OPENLY and WANTONLY flirting with you, which you yourself admit is obvious, and you want to know if she is flirting with you and what you should do about it?!?!!


I'm going to say this for the last time... if a girl shows interest...she is INTERESTED!! Stop wasting time asking us to shore up your ego and just ask this girl out on a date or something!!



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