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My ex is confusing me, what should I do? Help!


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Basically me and my ex of 2 years broke up about 4 months ago. I ended it. After about 2 weeks i text him and he told me he was happier without me and didnt want a girlfriend. from then till now he had text me a few times randomly, asking how i was etc just general conversation.

Then about a month ago he told me he missed me and wanted to see me but didn't know if it was the right thing.

We ended up meeting on a friday night in a pub. the drinks flowed, i ended up back at his house and we slept together. We met a few times after and slept together but he made it clear he didnt want a relationship and we couldnt get back together and didnt wanna hurt me, so we decided to stop.

Since then, yet again text me a few times randomly. But last sunday he messaged me saying, '' I dont know if i should say this but do you ever have those days where you really miss me?''

he then explained that he ''just felt like that today'' we contiuned to have general conversation until he went to bed.

Then this week he'd been putting song lyrics on twitter, insinuating that he missed a certain someone, I put lyrics off a song on mine then the day after he put some lyrics off the same song.

Then today i go on his twitter to discover he stayed at a girls house last night someone hed met on a night out a few weeks ago. I dunno what to think?

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Looks like he wants to have his cake and eat it too. In other words, he wants to keep you around for the sex, but no longer wants to remain faithful. This way he gets to keep a boyfriend/girlfriend dynamic of being loved and cared for, as well as being able to have his one night stands and flings. All with a guarantee of being guilt free.

Is this what you think you deserve? I don't. If he doesn't want you back, cut him back out and move on.

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He wants to live the single life, but have you as a booty call on the side. And he's using you as an emotional buffer while he gets over you and moves on. Seriously, go full NC on the guy, stop responding and block him on every form of contact. The bottom line is if he wanted to be with you in a relationship he would have come back and told that and you two would be exclusive again. Not just come around saying what he knew you'd want to hear, so he could sleep with you and then do the same with someone else. That's just him putting you on his back burner for those times he hasn't got anyone or it doesn't work out or he's feeling nostalgic. If he missed you that much he'd be with you right now, so I'd take those comments with a pretty big grain of salt given that his actions say something else entirely.


Unless you're okay with FWB only or sharing him with other women this should be the clear and loud signal that it is time to move on and cut him out of your life completely since he's just proven he'll happily use you for his own satisfaction.

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He has told you that he doesn't want a relationship with you and no matter what random texts he sends it is unlikely that has changed. When he sends stuff like this assume that he is feeling lonely and missing certain aspects of being in a relationship rather than being in a relationship with you (or anyone else for that matter).

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