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How did he drop me so easily? Advice, please.


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Hi everyone,


So there was a guy I really liked a LOT over the summer who just moved to another state about a month ago. We were really important to each other (at least I would guess so, seeing as he CRIED when I had to leave one time). And once when we got in a little argument he called 3 times throughout the day just to apologize over and over again. And he was definitely important to me.

Anyway, I find it amazing how quickly we just dropped eachother out of eachother's lives. Sometimes I get very sentimental so I told him not to talk to me, and he seemed to easily back off but then called me a hypocrite and got a little upset. But then I apologized by sending a video message that was subtly sassy because I felt like he was being overly dramatic. He didn't seem to care that much about the video, he never responded.

So his ex-girlfriend who he dated many years ago, he still has some contact with and is nice to. But, he easily dropped me and I feel like crap because I thought we both liked eachother so much. For example a little while ago I sent him a message that said I hoped he was doing well, and he just said back "Forgot you existed."

Like, OUCH!

That hurt a lot.

My friend said he said that just to make me feel pain, like he was. But I don't know.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I want to contact him, but I don't want to come off as creepy because we didn't know eachother for that long (2 months now) but we did a lot of things together and talked a lot to eachother.

My gut feeling is to stop talking to him, and try to get over it. I know I will eventually. But I just can't shake the feeling that what we had wasn't "finished," because we never got to date or COMPLETELY know eachother. So I can't shake the feeling that I'll see him again in my future. Should I leave him alone? How can I make him want to talk to me again?

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I'm not sure how old you are but this sounds pretty high school...am I right about that?


My recommendation to you would be to never talk to him again. If someone said to me they forgot I existed, that would indicate strongly to me they are not interested in me existing in their life. Yes, you should leave him alone and try to move on. Why would you want to be involved with someone who would say that to you?

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You told him to stop contacting you. So he did.

Then, you changed your mind, and sent him an apology video.

He didn't respond, because you told him --- to stop contacting you.

So -- you are looking pretty wishy-washy.


Just chalk it up to experience and move on. You cannot make him talk to you.


because we never got to date or COMPLETELY know each other.



This is not "almost loving each other". You didn't even date.

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