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Im almost 16 and I will be in 4 days (dec 4th) and i haven't made out. I know I might be making a big deal of it but I know some of my friends who are 12 and made out on the weekend. Its hard for me cause I only live in a city of 6,000 or so, so ya you dont have much to chooze frum I'm wondering if anybody out there has any ideas or tips on how to get a fun loving and caring girl tht hasn't made out and will enjoy doing it with me.

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Im not scared to say the truth


I have never made out with a girl. I have never met a girl who I really thought was the right person. Making out, losing virginity. It's stuff that you don't forget doing the first time. Keeping it until you find the right girl is something that i chose to do.

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hey. well i know how you feel, i was there...my first kiss was about a month before my 16th bday. but let me tell you something, there were many oppertunities for me, but i am SO HAPPY taht i waited for someone special, someone i really liked and whom really liked me. dont rush into it just because of a number. people who are 12 making out like that--thats just sickening, and kissing is very intimate, it shouldnt be some goal. kissing is a wonderful thing, but it can be downright disgusting if done with the wrong person. try not to think about your age. it doesnt mean you're undesirable by any means, it just means you have high standards lol. honestly just dont feel bad about it, there are people older then us that havnt, and just remember that you wnat this to be special! wait for someone right!

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Don't worry. 16 isn't that old. I didn't get kissed until I was 17 and it was only a kiss, we didn't make out. I didn't actually make out with a guy until I was 18.


You will get a chance. Everyone is always so worried that they will never get a kiss, but it will come. Don't worry about 12 year olds making out. There's no age requirements for making out, so don't worry about what everyone else is doing.


Just get to know girls. You will find one you like and who likes you back sooner or later.

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i had my first kiss around that age- and i really didnt kiss too many boys in high school. honestly, those kisses meant nothing compared to kissing someone that you have true feelings for- and i'll bet those 12 year olds who are making out dont have the kinds of feelings im talking about. i know people who didnt get kissed until college. and honestly it makes NO difference!!! everyone turns out fine in the end. dont feel bad just because you see 12 year olds making out, they are only doing it to look cool or impress others because they are insecure. but you at least have a little self respect and wont go kissing just anyone, so be proud of yourself. when it happens it'll be great!!

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don't worry about it. Making out is not a big deal, yes its nice to feel the warmth of someone else, but you must remember that when the time is right it will happen. Try not to make making out a big priority in your life. I find that i usually find a girlfriend when im not looking for one.

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Don't worry about it, you'll kiss and make out when the time is right and with someone you really care about. I'm 21 and have never kissed either. Kissing should be something special, done with someone you truly care about. Kids kissing at 12 is ridiculous, they don't understand the love and emotion that goes into making a kiss truly special and wonderful. I'm sure that kissing is a wonderful feeling, but it's not something that you should feel down about if you haven't done it yet. You will eventually, until then just focus on other things, enjoy your life, and let love happen when the time is right.

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Back in high school, which was quite awhile ago, I felt I was the only one who wasn't with anyone and that everyone was having a good ol' time making out and having fun. I was so depressed. I actually didn't make out and lose my virginity until I was 21.

I came to find out that the same people I was so jealous of because I thought they were having a good time, actually weren't really enjoying themselves...and didn't have many successful relationships. They didn't end up with the people they were making out with. In fact, they were already jaded after being in so many relationships and giving everything away. It didn't really mean anything anymore.


I know it's hard to see this now, but when you get older you will actually be glad that you didn't mess around at your age. It just messes with your mind and distracts you from whats important. You dont need to seek approval by having someone want to make out with you. Don't mistake someone making out with you with someone really liking/loving you. Not at your age.


You are sooooo young---Concentrate on your schoolwork, maybe do some volunteer work, pick up a sport and hang out with your friends and enjoy yourself that way.


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Maybe I'm getting old or something (at 25 ) but I can't even remember being 16, like that sounds so young to me. And 12?!! Well, I do remember a girl in my school getting pregnant and having a baby at 13.


But you shouldn't think you're missing out at only 16! I think you're on the right schedule, it'll come soon enough. I didn't kiss until I was 20!


Why is that most of the poeple who admit they haven't kissed and they are in their 20's are guys? Is it that the girls don't admit it (well, there is one person above who has) or do they mostly get kissed before 20?


Actually, one thing I noticed in cassandras post that is interesting is that she says she hasn't been kissed. Where most guys would say they simple haven't kissed anyone.

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Be more concerned about who you kiss than when you kiss. If it takes you eighty-one years to find the right person to kiss it will be a better kiss than twenty kisses a day with someone you wish you had never met.


When I was your age my first make out wasn't such an enriching experience. But my first real steady a year later was a vast improvement, because we had that teen love going on.


That was a long time ago.

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i understand what you are saying, and i read most of the other posts, and none of them answered your question. and maybe this isnt your question, but you want to make out with someone correct, or you atleast want to get things moving.


its easier if you actually try this.


pick someone, and get close to them when you are hanging out, like at the movies or at the mall, when you are hanging out sit together and flirt and talk real close, whisper in each others ears and stuff. but he has to be flirting back at you also. get really close, and lean on him and stuff. then you can just kind of go for it. dont jump on him, just lean in, and he will get it.

its easier than you think it might seem hard, but just try it.

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