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I think im in a bit of a mess. i have been having some emotional probs and don't really know what to do. My boyfriend is always thinking something is wrong with me and he is right. he says he can tell, like a gut feeling. anyway i don't really know whats wrong. i know something is, but what? I have been going to this person to talk to about getting medication for depression. MY mom thinks i need it. MY DR. thinks so, and my boyfriend has been on it before and thinks i need it also. I think it couldn't hurt trying. anyway i keep feeling like for some reason he is going to dump me even though i know he isn't becaus i have talked to him about it and he keeps telling me its okay. I keep feeling down for no reason and try not to but it just makes it worse. he asks me whats wrong and i don't know what to tell him because i don't know. I am deeply in love with him and he is with me. what should i do? am i loosing it?

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what kinda medication??


cant just take any kind ,,or cant advise to take anykind ,cause alot im not familer with,,ya know


but i do know from exp, that medication should be a last resort ,after knowing you cant do it on your own. but then again i quess its different for different folks! an thats why it depends on the meds!!

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Hello QTpie


If you get depressed for no reason at all, or little things get you really depressed, I think your doctors advice is probably best. get a second opinion though.


As for the feelings of insecurity with your b/f, its a "what came first the chicken or the egg" situation, your depression makes you feel insecure, and that insecurity also is depressing.


There could be other issues here, but only a professional would really be able to bring those out, because as you said your not sure why you feel this way.


take care!

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