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How do I get my best friend to make time for me?

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You see, I have this guy friend that Ive known for 1 year 2 months and he has had so many relationships that it did not ever bother me when he wasn't spending time with me.I knew I couldnt get him to stop hanging around his girlfriend, and I would never ask him to do so but before he was seeing anyone we became really good friends, and then he moved to a new school and thats when he started becoming anti-social and I get really depressed sometimes because I am always making the effort . I guess the real question is...should I stop making the effort to hangout?

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Before you stop making an effort, you should voice to him your concerns. Explain to him that you miss spending time with him yet you're also tired of always being the one to initiate things. Make it clear that friendships have to work two-ways, and that you'd appreciate it if he'd acknowledge this. If, after this, he doesn't seem to be improving, than I think you should stop making an effort with him and find a friend who appreciates you enough to give you some of their time.

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