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Ex texted me something totally irellevant. I thought my heart will pop out

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My ex broke up with me on Sunday, so it's only 4th day of NC and I just want to vent.


Since the break up I've sent him his belongings by registered post and I just thought he will not contact me anymore. However, today I was texting with my friend when his face showed on my phone screen. It was an sms message from him saying "Hi, I got the package, thank you". At that moment my heart just sank and then started beating so fast that I thought it will pop out of my chest. I started breathing heavily because that feeling could be compared to someone choking me. I was sweating and felt the blood pressure increased so much that my hands started shaking while holding the phone. Wow, I have never thought how much emotional influence he has on me. I'm not going to block him because he doesn't contact me at all since the break up, but he hasn't removed me and our romantic photos from FB which were shared several days before the break up. Ufff... that's a hard time.

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He didn't text you something irrelevant. He told you he received his belongings.

Case now closed.

No need for either of you to contact the other.


Agreed. You now know he has received them. And the message was quite mature.


Anyway, I would block him. The photos are his to do what he wants with and blocking will help YOU move on. Its okay if you don't block his number, but block him on Facebook for YOU and YOUR health right now so you are not tempted to look.

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First thing first!

No irrelevant text to be found! He got his stuff and sent a confirmation he got it. No breadcrumbs here.

Okay, okay, you sent it via registered mail. You knew he got it. But he just confirmed he got it. No "how ya doing" or questions marks in the text. Dont overthink it.


Second thing:



our romantic photos from FB which were shared several days before the break up. Ufff... that's a hard time.


Why are you looking at his Facebook?! Leave it alone!

If this is a definitive break up and you want to move on with your life, checking his Facebook wont do you any good. It doenst even matter who break up with who.

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How you reacted is normal, especially so soon after a breakup. I had those anxiety attacks for almost a month after the breakup. It's not a good feeling but try to find good ways to cope with those feelings if he decides to reach out in the future.


These are not breadcrumbs. It's just confirming he got the package. That's all it is. It's also been 4 days and make your life easier by not looking at his Facebook. I know it's hard right now but the more you go NC, the less tempting it will be over time.

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So after this message later he sent me several more asking nicely if everything is good with my job (I opened my company just 2 weeks before he broke up with me). So I said "Yes, it's fine" and told him that I've got the expected amount of money out of the project he was curious about. I told him I'm planning to buy a car for myself for those money. Then he wrote me another message asking if I'm not planning to travel abroad anymore (I was constantly bugging him about my dream to travel abroad apart from him someday) and I said "No". He asked "Why?" I said "Because I want to create something stable and permanent here." "But you said before..." - he objected. "I know" - I confirmed - "but now I don't plan to go anywhere at all." "I'm glad you changed your mind" he replied and after I sent him a smile, the conversation ended.


I just don't know if he is asking me because he's curious (he wanted to be my friend after he broke up with me) or because he's doubting if he did the right thing breaking with me and checking if I am changing to a better side. I have no idea, guys. I'm not going to block him, because until the last minute of break up he was a perfect guy for me and I was the one always shouting on him, calling names and slamming door when I was in a bad mood. He was paying for everything - rent, food, my clothes, car gas... I think I just made a mistake behaving like this from time to time and that's why everything ended this way. I really want him back and I really want to change; however, I'm not going to bug him unless he write me and ask something again.

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I think that if you were awaiting big news (money for your business, etc) as you were breaking up, maybe he is asking you out of courtesy. He doesn't hate you. he just felt you weren't right for him.I would not engage in any other conversation. If he does contact you, tell him directly - but politely, as he is being polite - to please not contact you. Just say that you hope he understands but you are broken up and you would like to move on and to please respect that. But don't reach out and tell him this. Only if he makes additional contact. But i he just says "hi" - ignore it.

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