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Girlfriend/Boyfriend - or - Best Friend

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I was just hoping for everyone to share their thoughts and feelings on this subject. Have you ever TRULY been in love? Have you ever had a best friend?


What do you like about having a girlfriend/boyfriend, how do they make you feel? What dont you like?


What do you like about having a best friend... if youve ever had one? Were they trustworthy? How did they make you feel?


What kind of betrayal problems have you been through and what kind of pain has been brought about? Which would cause more pain -The loss or a bf/gf or a best friend, who may know you even better.


What can you share with both of them? I mean sure there is one obvious thing that you do with your gf/bf , but what about your best friend? I mean... isnt it just more a lot of times to run around with a friend than w/ a gf/bf? I guess it just depends on how close you are to the person?


I hope someone will share their thoughts.

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I have been in love before, I loved this girl for 6 years and she would never give me the time of day, not even the darkness of night.... but I always found it that , friends (if you could find one who is trustworthy - which is hard to find these days) are usually there for you more, and if they are a good moraled person, then they care for you and the both of you can share feelings instead of feeling all "oh god thats so weird and i cant do that or ill look like a sissy". But , to be in love gives you that special feeling.... but maybe its just because its so hardto find a good friend? You can hang out with a friend and be stupid and have a whole lot of fun together, but when you're with a girl you have to act more mature and such. Still its fun, but you can be yourself easier in front of a friend. Plus, there's not as much pressure inbetween.


Does love last forever? Do best-friendships last forever?


There is a LOT of difference between having a GF/BF , and actually being in love... but theres also a lot of difference in having a FRIEND, and a BEST FRIEND.

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Recently, after mt GF of 1.5 years broke up with me, i started to question this.


I am in love with her, and she was in love with me, thats what she says now. She was my best friend and i could confide anything to her - and she did to me.


Now i don't talk to her at all. It's been three weeks. Now I am beginning to question the friendship vs relationship.

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OMG EXACTLY. i dated this guy for 9 months, perfect relationship with the best friend attached to it-i love(d) him, and he loved me. and now we arent half as close as we were, it isnt bad, and i realize that we had somehting special because we are still relatively close, however in comparison it seems like it was the physical that really drove us together. the bf/gf thing was gr8, i never really cared for it, but then with him i was just like wow. what i didnt like? i guess you could say sometimes the pressure to do certain things, be a certain way. but it was very small and didnt really bother me.


the thing is i know i can still call my ex and ask for anything and he'll do it, but its just not the same. my best friend whos a guy is always there whether i need him or not. maybe thats the difference....i dont know...but im starting to question everything myself.

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I've always held to the idea that a friend is someone that, will always be in your life some way, shape or form. They have already made the decision to be there for you always. Someone you're dating on the other hand is more like a trial period in a sense, where they are as well as you are trying to decide if that person will become some one who will be in your life on a long term basis or not.


P.S. It makes sense in my head but I have a hard time explaining it. Hope you understand what I mean.

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