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Ex broke 48 days of NC What does this sound like to you?

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this is more like (healing after a relationship aswell )


Well first off let me say , I don't really have intentions of going back with him , I just wanting to know what people in this thread thinks I wasnt sure where to ask the question , I have been with him for two years and he broke up with me in May. I was stupidly in love with him , I did everything in my power for him to stay , When he was breaking up with me i wrote letters , poems I tried to tell him i promise this i promise that he would look at me and tell me to "Leave" his home, He showed that he didn't care and told me he just didnt want to be with me... He tried breaking up with me numerous times before but I would get him back in lust... All he did was play video games and ignore my calls .. I would always try to find something fun for us to do and SPARK up the relationship , I kept trying and he wanted to leave.... I also found out he wanted to get with other girls i STILL kept trying...


I just came out of depression like a week in a half ago, I was up my room I wouldn't get out and thinking about him it weighed on me heavily, But now im starting to watch tv and go out with friends and getting over the break up.




He messaged me saying how are you doing I said i'm "okie dokie!" I was being nice & Not showing myself as being bitter I wanted to know what he wants , So we are talking like nothing ever happened talking about my new kitten he shows my gif's of funny things with cats because he knows I love animals we are having a whole convo about how playful he is and how he loves climbing trees. He shows me other funny pictures ...

We are talking all nice and funny towards eachother .. He starts flirting with me a little i tried to cut that off then he's asking me to go on

webcam with him ...


I'm like ... WEBCAM? back in our relationship i couldnt get 5 minutes on the phone now you want to go on webcam? out of NOWHERE?

Now today hes texting me & apart of me doesnt really want to talk to him this all sounds like a joke to me like...What in the world is he doing??

I never really wanted to be friends with him after the relationship ended ....... Why is he taking GREAT interest in me out of nowhere?

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Well first off let me say , I don't really have intentions of going back with him , I just wanting to know what people in this thread thinks I wasnt sure where to ask the question


If you had no intention of going back to him, you would not be questioning his motives. That said, if he hasn't asked you to take another stab at a relationship, he's only blowing hot air. In addition to that, as long as you continue to communicate with him without this being brought up, he has no need to pose that question.

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Duh, you're moving on. He wants to keep you on the back burner while having his cake too.


If he really had any intention of being with you he would be. Anything else is "breadcrumbs" and you'll regret falling for it.


In times like these the dumper has all the power to torment you, string you along, etc. You regain some semblence of power once you cut him out of your life. You regain more and more the better you move on.


Why is he able to ignore you, tell you to go away, etc while you'll be here and give him all the emotional and perhaps sexual gratification he needs? He has no incentive to work at being with you, you're already serving him everything on a silver platter.


If I've learned anything from my reconciliations is to take things slowly. Treat this as if he's someone new your dating. Play coy, don't be too avaliable, and definitely don't give him anything he had in the relationship until he makes the effort to treat you the way you deserve to be treated over a prolonged period of time. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior and if he's really different, he'll prove it to you. And if you want things to last, then you'll have to go slowly and buildup the NEW relationship. Patience will get you what you want, anything else won't.

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