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Do Looks Matter


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Well looks shouldn't matter, but looks are the first thing you see when you meet a person. Of course your going to want to talk to a person that you initially thought was physically attractive (the looks), but when you meet that person your going to want to find out about their persoanlity (the inner beauty) which will determine whether you want to keep talking to that person or not.

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Looks matter to the extent that a person must be physically attractive to you somehow (either the smile, eyes, etc.), but what may be attractive to you may not be attractive to somebody else. What really amplifies this attraction is whether or not you're attracted to the person's personality.. Looks fade - In the long run, whether a person has a cute face or nice body isn't something important that keeps a relationship going.

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What people find attractive in the way of looks varies so much from person to person. It's more important to pay attention to who the person is on the inside. Someone's heart, soul, and personality is what matters most. I'm not going to say that looks don't play a part in attraction, they do to some extent. But if two people really click, then it won't matter that much. If two people share similar interests, values, and beliefs that's what matters. If anything, they will probably find the physical attraction will follow.

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I think looks can help initiate physical chemistry between 2 people. I always used to say that you have to first be attracted to the way that someone looks before you care to talk to them any more or get to know them. However, in all honesty, I always fall harder for personality, attitude, and intelligence and the ability to carry on an intelligent conversation. After I love those things then I just find the person simply irresistible! \

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Of course looks matter. For the people out there who say, "I don't care what someone looks like", please help me understand your secret.


Also - "beauty" isn't pegged down to one ideal image. What I am attracted to, you may find repulsive. But, when I choose someone to date, I absolutely must find them attractive. Again, everyone's idea of what is "attractive" is a bit different. One of my girlfriend's loves huge muscular guys with super long hair and bad manners (loud, obnoxious). I call them "the wrestlers", because that's exactly what they look and sound like to me (gross). But, she loves it!

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You have to be i n porpotion But Yea Im sorry But looks do take effect when it all boils down to it...But i have dated a few guys who didnt have the greatest looks , but their personality really made up for it and leveled out the look sya know?


it really seems like The answers change through age i guess and wisdom and all that good stuff...

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I can tell you that looks do matter, but they do not close the deal. You can be with someone for their looks and then realize that they are an idiot and then they become ugly. That has happened to me plenty of times. Also, I found that guys I would not have liked that I knew as friends ended up becoming appealing and they always stayed that way. My mind never changed about them. The best looking person can be ugly inside. The only drawback is that a good looking person would get approached to find this out while a not so goodlooking person might not.


PS confidence can also make some one good looking, I dont mean arrogant people. There is a thin line between the two that to many people cross.



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I guess looks do matter a little bit, But in general I'm just looking for a real nice guy. I have dated the goodlooking guys before and found them to be alot of trouble. Just because there are alot of other girls that find them good looking too, it left me with alot of jealousy and heartache.

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A guy an be incredibly good-looking, but will become less and less attractive as time goes on if he is a jerk.


I dated a guy who, at first, I thought was almost perfect physically. After getting to know what a self-absorbed idiot he was, I started noticing little things like how much razor-burn he got after he shaved, how he spent an hour doing his hair, and how his breath always smelled like hot garbage.


Doesn't matter how hot someone is if he/ she is a jerk. After a while they become ugly to you if they don't have a decent personality to back it up. It's the "hot ones" with a great personality that you have to be careful with.

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I totally agree with you ocean eyes, and I love your descripition of what you call a self-absorbed idiot. lol... I went out with alot of guys that fit that discription,unfortunately. But I could discuss self-absorbed idiots forever and ever because it pretty much discribes both of my exes to a T.

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Here's a story i read about looks. Its by someone else and i do not endorse it by any wya


-A report by maniac take from some site I cant remember


Last year, I was in a Tokyo bar with one of my GFs. And, we spotted on the dance floor, the Iranian from hell. He looked like garbage, was fat, ugly as sin, wore clothes that looked like it came from the salvation army, and a worn out baseball cap. Oh, and did I say he was 45 Y.O. about, and probably didn't speak ENglish, or Japanese..., and probably had a garbage job taking chicken guts out of bird in a processing plant...or was an illegal who lived in a park or something. This guy was by far the most discusting basket case loser in the place that whole night. As well, in this thoroughly racist country, Iranians are at the very bottom of the barrel, below gaijins, Japanese, Asians..everything..that is as low as you go... (Japanese perspectives..not mine)..


So what did he do? He went on the dance floor, and hit on *EVERY* chick there. Most (no all actually!), blew him out instantly! but he didn't give up. He was persistent like anything, I never saw a guy as persistent as him, he'd get knocked out and was right back in there., and as long as he got any reaction (good or bad), he kept on hitting.. And he had no wing either, this was a totally solo act..


ANd guess what! He started to get close to a chick, who totally in his face blew him out a little earlier (he since hit on other chicks), and at first she resisted, and gave really bad looks, but he kept plugging away, and then she relented (she didn't leave), and started to dance with him, coldly at first, obviously not enjoying it. LAter they got closer, and her face relaxed, as he smiled at her and tried to charm her,, (he tried often,and she pushed back), ...and 20 minutes later, they were kissing and all over each other! Later they left together.. her hanging all over him... And the chick was an HB(Hunny Bunny good lookin woman) too, 20s, and very cute!



So whenever I think I am not good looking enough (I am average), or see some model type hit on chicks that I want, and feel jealous or something I always remember the "Iranian from hell" story... and remember Its not what you look like...its what you do...Always... fortunately, for guys, looks has very little to do with the endgame, if your ugly, just get in there, and show personality. that will work the same as looking like Brad Pitt...So dont worry if you're ugly, it just doesn't matter...




Not sure abut how truthful this is but there you go

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Well looks shouldn't matter, but looks are the first thing you see when you meet a person. Of course your going to want to talk to a person that you initially thought was physically attractive (the looks), but when you meet that person your going to want to find out about their persoanlity (the inner beauty) which will determine whether you want to keep talking to that person or not.


I have a great question:


Would girls give ugly (hate using that word) guys the time of day like they would a good looking guy? Like for example, two guys are at a party, one very handsome yet quiet and aloof, and one unattractive guy who is friendly and the life of the party, who is she more likely to approach? Better yet, what if they were both shy and quiet. I bet 99.9% would go for the hunk. It's nobody's fault, that's just the laws of attraction. We ugly & guys have a hard time as it is without an attractive man around to lower our self esteem.


I've had girls grow quite fond of me when they realize I'm funny and sweet and friendly, but as boyfriend material I seem to be a total dud and I am absolutely sure my looks have plenty to do with it.

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Ogari: Wow, you and I have a fair bit in common!! People, (guys and girls) who have actually taken time to get to know me and my flaws, still think I'm awesome. But it's the people who take me at face value (incidental pun) don't give me the time of day.


Myself, I don't go for looks. I will say that yes, looks do count but only to an extent. I don't go for the super-model hottie types, chances are, they're too high maintenence. I go for the girl-next-door type. Someone who I'm physically attracted too, but also attracted to on a personal level.


But, then again, I have "different" tastes in women. What I consider absolutely gorgeous, other people consider unattractive.

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Would girls give ugly (hate using that word) guys the time of day like they would a good looking guy? Like for example, two guys are at a party, one very handsome yet quiet and aloof, and one unattractive guy who is friendly and the life of the party, who is she more likely to approach? Better yet, what if they were both shy and quiet. I bet 99.9% would go for the hunk. It's nobody's fault, that's just the laws of attraction.


I've mentioned once before but even if you don't like the hot guy how much of a self essteem boost would it be to know that someone that could get almost *anyone* thinks that *you* are hott.


Just for the record, I would start a conversation with the very handsome yet quiet and aloof guy.


1) He's hott!

2) Its easy to start up a conversation with him.

Who wants to waste their time with someone they aren't attracted to?


I quote of my friend kitz (also a member on this site), do you really think that the female of those little birds that collect blue things really cares wether or not the male bird has a better personallity, even if he has less blue things than the bird next to him? I don't think so.

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