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If you are a self harmer, a drug abuser or a suicide comando please could you talk to me? for the last two years i have been so depressed and have resorted to self harm and dope. i know its wrong but i just cnt stop sometimes i feel that im all alone but i found this website and i thought i might not be, if there is anyone that thinks "whats the point any more" out there please talk i need to know im not alone.....

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I've been there too. Especially when I was a kid. I agree with OmegaMan, if we can survive, so can you. That's life for you. Sometimes, I'd die to have my life be different. Sometimes, I wish I could just free myself from my past. It hurts. But, that's life. Some people have it luckier than others. We just have to suck it up, and wish that certain things never happened.


Hang in there. I know that life is tough. Believe me, I've been through more than you can ever imagine. For personal reasons, I don't feel comfortable with discussing what happened. But, just wanted to let you know: you will survive.


Much Love,



P.S.- I don't want to preach about things, but I just wanted to let you know that resorting to substances/drug abuse isn't going to help you in the long run. I'm surprised that I haven't touched an ounce of drugs. I'm proud that I haven't. I realized at a young age, that that wasn't the life that I wanted to choose for myself. Try to wise up to your situation, and realize that being hooked on narcotics won't make the situation any better k? It's just a short route to escaping your depression. Hope this helps.

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I'm not there anymore, but I use to be there. So I figured I would get in on this too, letting you know you aren't alone.


Life can be a struggle sometimes but you can pull through. I've known so many people that have done it and there are so many people on eNotAlone that have pulled through. Just have a little faith in yourself.


Can you tell us a little more about what you are going through, why you feel so depressed?


What Mahlina said is true, being hooked on narcotics won't better the situation you are in. In the end, it'll just make it worse. I know it's hard, I'm here to listen.



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ever since i was little i have found it hard to make friends i have never really fitted in anywhere and im always having to mave schools cz i get bullied mst of the time. im an outkast and i have this horrid feeling i always will be and i really dont want to b like this. i dont want to feel like this but i dnt see any other way out of this screwed up life. i dont know what to do anymore....

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First of all, remember to always value yourself. Always remember your worth. Just because you don't feel as though you fit in with the group of people your age, doesn't make you a bad person. In fact, you may be quite mature for your age. That's why you feel as though you don't fit in. Look at it as something that you admire about yourself. Besides, it's always a good feeling to be true to who we are, and not try to fit in. Of all of the things that bug me most in the world, are people who try to fit in. People who can't think for themselves! People who don't know who they are, but only try to define who they are by identifying themselves with all of this superficial bullcrap. I don't see that in you, so hats off to you girl!! I remember how it was, especially for your age.


But, it's tough, because you're still finding out who you are. But slowly, you're blossoming into that young beautiful lady that you are. Everything takes time. Think of this as a metamorphasis, a time of change, a time of growing. At times, you will feel as though you're against all odds, but the thought of knowing who you are, and where you come from, is enough for you to know that you can be happy. That's what will make you special from the rest: you're original & authentic!


And remember, try to deal with your heartaches constructively. I know that I won't get into this drug issue, but always remember to remind yourself that you deserve the best things in life. Ask yourself if drugs is ever going to get you anywhere. Ask yourself if it's going to make things better or worse. I've seen some kids who get into using drugs. They end up getting pregnant, then they end up using more hard substances, because those drugs aren't strong enough to take away their pain. In the end, nothing will take away the pain. It's all mental. It's all about how they perceive things, and the small decisions that they make for themselves in order to accomplish their goals for a better life. Move forward. Make the best of yourself, and be proud of who you are...

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wow. thank you, thank you so much u dnt know how much tht post has meant to me. i admire u u r also an individual. u r a gorgeous inspirational waman and all of a sudden i have a warm glow inside of me. there is a little voice saying shes right. stop with the drugs stop with the self harm whats the point it just leaves more pain after. thank you so much im gona try and stop this. no. im GONA stop this woteva it takes i will! thank you so much many thanks love lost_666

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Thank you!!


Hey- No problem. That's what we're here for. If we can make it, then so can you! And, you know what? It's always good to think positive. Develop that pizzaz for yourself. Life doesn't always have to feel so crippled, right? As long as you spice things up in your life, then you will feel sassy & happy! Life's too short to waste ourselves on people/things that hurt us. Hang in there. I see lots of potential in you! Mahlina

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it's always a good feeling to be true to who we are, and not try to fit in. Of all of the things that bug me most in the world, are people who try to fit in.


I agree, 100%.


It's not about fitting in. I know it's not a good feeling when you're considered an 'outcast' but life isn't about fitting in. Just be yourself, that'll get you so much farther.


Those girls who walk around putting others down, who some girls would just love to be friends with, they aren't perfect like we think so. They have problems too. The reasons they put those people down is because of their self-esteem. Now, would you want to hang out with someone like that? That's all they do. I'm sure they go home and cry a lot. They have problems just like you and me. They all want to be like one another, and when you can be yourself, and nobody else can be like you, isn't that so much more exciting?


Kids are cruel. Kids are rude, and mean. It'll never change. That's why I homeschool. Sure, I'll have to go back and face them. The most you can do is ignore them. They'll stop once they know they can't get a reaction out of you. If you react, they are getting exactly what they want and they'll keep agging it on.


Remember; After every storm, there is a rainbow



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Remember; After every storm, there is a rainbow


Too cute m'lady.


Yeah fitting in is the worst thing you could do. But you know what, you will do what about 100% of people do. They begin to realize an opportunity to fit in. So they go for it.... they experience it for a bit, and then something clicks one day... you suddenly think "wow is this really who I am." So you will back away and start to mold into your own person... and find your own self... and you begin to question what you were doing for so long, and finally one day it will click... and you will have the BIGGEST smile on your face. Its a fun yet extremely tough process. But in the end, you feel great, and you will realize what its purpose was. That is, to Mature. Self discovery leads to Maturity.


Hang in there, do what you think is right... and soon you will learn what is really right, and what it is you have done wrong.



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i want to be my own person but every now and again i wish i had a group of m8s around me and we would all be talking, but i see where you are coming from i want to be my own person as i dont want to be like every other girl clone on the planet. i do have a few close m8s but they are all from outta school! thank you so much everyone i really appreciate it

all my love and thanks lost_666 xxx

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