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its been 2 years and i cant take it anymore

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Me and my long distance partner started dating online 2 years ago. We have never met in real life. Its an online LDR but we do skype, facebook, phone calls, etc. And for the past two years, we were on and off. We were each other's first love and first relationship and we promise to meet each other someday. I love her so much and ive been through alot of hard times. I know she loves me too but two days ago, we broke up mutually. It was a different break up compare to the orevious break up that weve had. Because i we were both tirex of constant fighting and distance already. At first i was the one whos being strong because shes already giving up. I told her that im gonna be strong for us and that i will carry this relationship until we meet. We were planning to meet next year January. It would be our first time to see each other personally and its one of our biggest dream. But the frustration from the long distance relationship was pretty intense and so, i finally gave up too and told her sorry that i coukd not keep ny promise to be strong for us. And she told me that she is sorry as well for hurting me alot. She said she doesnt want to do this relationship ever again and that this is going to be our last.


Its been two days since the break up and we never contacted each other since.


Now, i couldnt take it anymore. I am going to lodgemy visa application at the end of thid month and i will fly to New Zealand to see her. I dont know whats gonna happen but all i know is that.. i will be really happy to see her in real life finally. It is going to be a closure for me if ever things wont really work out for us. Because i think one of the reason why it is so hard for me to move on is because, we havent met each other yet.and so, there is always a part of me that is always going to wonder what if .. and would always wish to see her in real life..


Im preparing for this and i am looking forward to see her finally.. pls pray for me

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Long distance relationships where you haven't yet met in person is very difficult. I commend you both for trying. Two years is a long time to hang in there. I think if you need to see her finally will be good, but only if she knows you're coming and agrees to it. Otherwise it will look like you are stalking her. Don't go without her permission or knowledge. Also make sure that spending the money will be worth it, if anything to finally see her in person for closure if it's really the end of the relationship, or confirmation that it will work if you finally meet.


I can tell you from experience that meeting someone face to face after falling in love through cyberspace and phone calls and texts can be a total different reality. People tend to put fantasies in their heads about people and meeting them in person can certainly shatter those fantasies if they turn out to be different from what you thought they were. People can also have a total different energy in person than what they give off online etc. So be prepared if you go.


Best of luck whatever happens.

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