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Bi-polar-people just dont understand

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Bi-polar is something that the normal person just does not understand.....They tease us people who have it and dont know how they are hurting them.Our moods change just as fast as we blink(over exagerated but gets the point accross).I wanna know who else here is bi-polar and how do u deal with it and think about the subject?People just love to tease bi-polar people cause we just take everything so seriously.Thats what i have found out is that im bi-polar so thats why i take everything so seriously.Just a single lil jk that outs us down or makes us feel bad will send our mood straight to sadness or anger and another one after it maybe a compliment or something good will make us happy right away.Our moods change so fast in situations or mine does that i cant keep my mood one way that long.Most of u general people who havent had it dont understand it.But if u have a friend that changes his mood maybe u can try to keep things good.Like in just this one night my mood has changed so much.I went from sad to angry to happy and to not caring all in like 2 hours back and forth.I usually have 4 general moods that i bounce around a lot.

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I haven't been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, but everyone is sure I have depression. My mood swings are pretty bad, as are my friends: we're wondering if we have bi-polar disorder, or if it is just a side-effect of our depression.


Anyway, 'normal' people don't know what it like to have your moods flying all over the place, changing all the time. you can't expect them to understand, i guess that's just how people are. I guess you could either try to explain to people why your moods are the way they are, or you could just ignore them. There's not really too much we can do about it.


People are cruel. Especially ignorant ones.



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I really believe that is what I have also. I am always switching moods when things happen and sometimes for no apparent reason. Rarely do I ever feel happy, most of the time I just feel like giving up on life and that has even led to the thought of suicide. I'm angry a lot of times and sad.


Its strange , at school a few days ago I was talking to my best friend and we are sharing a locker cause his is messed up. I was happy, and all the sudden he just does something and I feel really mad, then that turns into sadness, then depression and wanting to juts give it all up. But then out of nowhere I have another mood change....


I don't really know what to do about it - but I think everyone around you effects that, and if they don't do EXACTLY what you need them to do, then it starts kicking in. Anytime my friend shows any part of his body as in like, flexing or whatever it sends anger through my veins because I won't do that. (theres a good reason why I don't but I'll keep that to myself).


It's really tough being this way, and no one understands, they think we are just being immature, stubborn, or feeling sorry for ourselves. The best thing to do? I dont know, but try any change anything about yourself that makes you insecure....

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What is bipolar...




Hi there,

bipolar is a depressive illness.......where the sufferer will be really sad for a while and then unexpectedly too happy. You'd think happy would be a good thing but sometimes the happy can make you do things that you wouldn't normally do.

It's not easy to suffer from or live with.

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  • 4 months later...

hey, i was just diagnosed with bipolar a couple months ago...one of the biggest problms i have is people tend to think youre just weak or really overly-sensitive to things, but say someone says something or does something that just slightly upsets me...when i get just a bit upset i end up losing all control and falling into a major major depression. Same thing for happiness..you get a bit happy and you somehow end up ecstatic....nights where you switch so much are really hard i know wht you mean, and really exhausting..but honestly i think there are many other factors that lead to bipolar in many people other than just chemical inbalances

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1. Get a professional diagnosis rather than assuming you are bi-polar.


2. If you are bi-polar, take the meds they prescribe religiously. Don't do like some people who stop their meds because they feel better and think they are "cured". There is no cure. And try to explain the condition to your family and friends. If they are insensitive to your condition, get rid of the friends and continue working on the family.


3. If you aren't bi-polar, be thankful and ask your doctor if you're suffering from clinical depression and, again, take your meds. Prozac almost literally saved my life but it took years to get a doctor to listen to me.


By the way, some members of my family decided I was "crazy" because I was on Prozac. Basically, I just told them to grow up.


Good luck and it will get better.

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I have been diagnosed borderline bi-polar, and manic depressive. It all depends on you symptoms. A doctor will give you surveys to fill out and ask a bunch of questions. but that is the closet you will get to your problem. Get a professional diagnosis. Look for a good specaliast, not just any doctor will do, trust me on that one. I had one doctor that was so bad, had me on like 7 medications in 3 months, symptoms got worse. Talk with your parents about this.

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