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I think I'm in love with her!


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I met a girl, over a year ago now, at the place i was working. I was having a bit of a bad time, i had just missed out on my dream job & was feeling down ( I hated the job i was in, it was only her who made it bearable!)

She was leaving and on her last day we talked for ages, but when it was time to go home i didn't want to leave. I told her that we may never see each other again so she gave me her mobile number.


Heres where it gets complicated, she had just come out of a really bad relationship, to a gambling addict. And she was pregnant. she is also five years older than me.

We became good friends, but during a rare nightout recently she kissed me said she loved me and started to cry. We had both had a lot to drink but we both knew what we were doing. On the way home we kissed some more, later she Kept on saying how she had ruined a good friendship and since then she hasn't really talked about it.


We have gone back to being friends, but i think about her all the time.

I don't know if she ment what she said and just thinks i don't feel the same way, or it was just the alcohol.

I don't know what to do.

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In my experience, alcohol only makes you more honest. It seems to me that she definitely wants to be more than friends, but is hesitant because you're such good friends that she doesn't want to jeopardise it.


Plus, she's in a complicated place right now. She probably doesn't want to "drag you down" with her. It sounds like she has issues to sort out, and doesn't necessarily want a boyfriend to help her out with it. If you really care for her, be there for her as a friend while she gets things sorted out. You both realize a relationship is a definite possibility. Just wait for her to WANT one.

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I think you're right, in fact i think you're pretty spot on.

In one text she sent me she said she was 'no good for me', i have to say i dont fully understand what she ment.

I don't what to push for a relationship and end up losing her completely. Her friendship is worth alot to me.

I've never really felt about anyone like this before.

I will wait for her.

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