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Afraid to go to doctor!!!!

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So i have an appointment wednesday with my gyn. First i will say i'm 34, no kids, never been married. In 2008 i had surgery to remove 9 fibroids from my uterus. Most were on the outside. I had one the size of a football on top of my uterus that was so big my dr told me my uterus was the size of a 5 month pregnancy. It was also growing toward my kidney!! My stomach also showed this. As of today i don't think i have a fibroid of this size as my stomach is not big but last time i went to the dr he said i only had one small one that we'd just watch.

I'm not in a relationship as i've had so many emotional issues every since my ex cheated and left me, now i don't really trust men and i'm so afraid i won't get to have kids. I always wanted at least 1. My doctor has never said i won't be able to just that of course i'd have to have ac section. I'm afraid of my appointment because i've never had a clear ultrasound which always depresses me.

Has anyone else gone through this or something similar? I just need some positive feedback.

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I have fibroids but I never had mine removed. Unfortunately it is very difficult for women with fibroids to get pregnant. My fibroids caused me four miscarriages. I had my one and only live child at 30. After that it was already too late for me. However if you have had yours removed you will probably have a much better result. I have far too many to ever remove. I have 15 large ones inside and outside and more than they can count small ones. Basically there is not 1 inch of my uterus that doesn't have a fibroid somewhere.

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I have endometriosis which is very severe and I may never have children. I dread every single appointment, knowing it is just going to be more and more disappointment. It's even more difficult when people tell you "you can just adopt". We know that! But as a woman, we would like an option, you know? It's so hard feeling like nature has cheated you, when you try so hard yet every unresponsible mother can get knocked up 5 times...!

It helps me to find other importances in my life. I volunteer a lot and that makes me feel needed. You could certainly try that@

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I have endometriosis which is very severe and I may never have children. I dread every single appointment, knowing it is just going to be more and more disappointment. It's even more difficult when people tell you "you can just adopt". We know that! But as a woman, we would like an option, you know? It's so hard feeling like nature has cheated you, when you try so hard yet every unresponsible mother can get knocked up 5 times...!

It helps me to find other importances in my life. I volunteer a lot and that makes me feel needed. You could certainly try that@



I think the same thought when I see some people with kids that are very irresponsible..i often think why couldn't they have the fibroids they don't need kids anyway...it depresses me a lot.

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