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How to get to know him better...


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Hi everyone.


I've just started uni, haven't had a date or a boyfriend for over a year and feel sort of at a loss here. I am in a class with a lot of very nice boys. There are only two other girls so you'd think the competition would be in my favour... ;-) But anyway.


Right from the first day, I have of course been doing a little talent spotting.


The cutest guy in the class is already taken. So I'm not going to intrude there.


The second cutest guy, who has an extremely attractive personality, is also taken (grrr!) so that's a no-no, but he's one of my best friends so it's cool, I still get to hang out with him as a friend (which in a way is more of an honour).


Then a few of days ago I noticed this other guy... somehow I never really noticed him before. But for some reason he just seems to stand out to me. He's got that sort of dark, mysterious, slightly rugged look. And a beautiful speaking voice (with a lovely Scottish accent!) Personality-wise he seems like a really cool person and I'd love to hang out with him and get to know him better, but the thing is, I don't really know how to do this. He's not in my immediate friendship group. I'd feel a bit strange going over and talking to him in class, or just sitting nearer him, because as I said we're not really friends - just acquaintances - and I'm not sure what I'd say anyway! Grr... I just really want to get to know him. I mean, I don't even know if he has a girlfriend.


I think he lives off campus which is annoying because he never comes to the student pub in the evening. If I ever saw him there, it would be much easier for me to approach him for a chat. But alas... I never see him outside of lecture hours.


...I need a strategy ^^;;

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This sounds like when I was in school. I had a major crush on a guy, and he sat RIGHT BEHIND ME. It took me a few days to even say hi to him, and he was always really quiet.. and I'm very shy, too. I eventually got him to start doing stupid silly things like play tic tac toe with me and all that good stuff. But it never got further than that because I was too scared to ever tell him that I liked him or anything, which I regret. so like Day_Walker said.. you aren't going to get ANY kind of results if you don't put yourself out there and just give it a shot. Otherwise, you'll just kind of end up regretting it.

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