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I just need to get this off my chest (Vent)

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Okay, its actually kind of a long story so I'll probably have a semi-wall of text but I'll condense it as much as possible well summarize.

This girl was being hired at my work, I didn't think about it at the time but the first day I saw her she was just finishing orientation, but i figured she wouldn't be working at the same place as me since my job likes to toss people to different stores (I work retail). And I was going on vacation the next day, but when i saw her we kind of looked at each other for a few seconds. I don't know what it was but I just... was interested, after she left I went up to the person she was talking to and started asking about her. She told me a few things like shes an artist, loves nature yada yada. Stuff like that, well then I had my week off of work (let me tell you it was awesome), but I figured well she probably wont be there.


My first day back, I saw her and then we kind of locked eyes again but I kept walking I later went up to one of my friends that I work with and i just straight up said "I need your help, that girl you have to help me with her."

I have anxiety so, its really hard for me to talk to people and its really hard for me to interact with large groups and even more so a girl. But my friend said he'd help me, he started off by inviting her to this hookah bar, but she said she didn't smoke, I don't smoke much either so it didn't bother me but I kind of plummeted down and thought "well great...the easiest place and this just went down the damn drain"

I went home and just sat in my car for a while and I don't know but I just got like this...sudden urge and told myself that I'm not gonna give up on it that easily.

So I went up to my other friend that I work with the next day, but he actually confronted me about it before I said anything.

Then i asked him if he'd help me by doing whatever he can and he smiled and told me "Don't worry man, I'll work my magic"

I waited a few days after then when I saw him at work again I asked him if anything happened and I guess he asked her if shes talked to anyone outside of her department and she said no. Then he brought me up but she didn't know my name and he described me as "oh kind of a short guy, wears purple a lot,short brown hair, hes a really nice guy" he told me she smiled and said "I know who that is" I got excited because well that means she remembers me.


So me and him kind of huddled together, and i told him well you know that photography contest maybe we can kind of use that as a "ice breaker" for me and her. And he said he'll bring it up saying that my old model had to back out on me and I needed a new one and I'm looking really hard for one and if she was interested, he was gonna give her my number and say "hey talk to him before hand so you feel a little more comfortable with him".

That plan is going to be happening tomorrow.

Before I get into that, I noticed something today when I saw her at work, two things. When I was talking to the manager kind of in front of the area she works in, I looked up and I saw her looking directly at me. And this happened more then once. At least I think she was looking at me, it was in the exact same direction i was. Then I passed her walking and it kind of looked like she was holding herself back from like...smiling. It just seemed I don't know...

back to the whole plan thing, I don't know I've been thinking about it all night and I've been really nervous...anxious even I keep over thinking it and I can't really help it. I don't know what it is about this woman, I haven't said a single word but I feel like I don't know I just can't describe it. I haven't been attracted to anyone for years, and all of a sudden this girl comes out of no where and I'm melting in my shoes. I'd never go to someone for help to get someone I just let women go I just don't care, but with her I didn't hesitate. I knew I couldn't work up the courage so I immediately asked my buddies for help.

And tomorrow is gonna well see what happens, my hearts racing and everything. Part of me keeps saying that she knows already, and is waiting for me to say something. The words are in my head, whenever I come in close contact with her... the words are screaming in my head then... but I just can't say anything I just lock up.

I told my friend that, and he smiled and told me not to worry, that she seems really shy too and it might be easier for us to text each other first and feel comfortable with each other.


I just want something nice to happen for once, I always seem to find the wrong type of person but she seems like the right kind.

Phew, well that made me feel a little better. My hearts still racing though...I think it will be though until tomorrow is over with.

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