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Overwhelmed , depressed about reality

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Does anyone ever get a sort of worldly perspective that our society, country , life for the most part is created by people therefore gets depressed that they have to be a part of the system and work a job.


Our American system and society has many thing that it can provide especially related to survival. But on days where I just don't want to put in the effort anymore I start looking at our world in terms of its constructed-ness.....and it's overwhelming, to feel like I have to "playball"


I do my best at times to fit into this way of living in this country, and to make it the easiest I can for myself, but there always seems to be sacrifices....I wish I felt more peace in the way I am living. And lately i begin letting myself go.

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I don't know that that's a "worldly" perspective -sounds like a pretty negative and narrow perspective. Nobody's forcing you to be part of any system and as far as working for a living - would it make you happier to hang out all day, not work, and have someone else provide for you? If you're referring to success and accomplishments, "getting ahead" -sure that can feel pressured/stressful but again you as an individual can choose what makes you comfortable and happy. I think looking at it from the narrow perspective of "this way of living in this country" can give you an excuse to play the victim. I wouldn't give in to that sort of temptation if I were you. Life is much richer when you live it as an individual in tune with what you want -it also can make it more challenging and difficult since if you don't get what you want you can't blame "society" - but I think it's worth it.

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I think I get what you're saying...I would be a lot happier working for myself and my family's needs than work for some big corporation. Part of a cog of a giant "machine". I sometimes dream of a simpler time when people could just work on the family subsistence farm and actually survive without having to slave under a corporate master. I sometimes wish something would happen so that we could be forced to take life slower...a SHTF scenario. I know, I am crazy. LOL

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For me, it helps to remember that whatever society you live in you are always a cog in a great machine. Take a family living in some remote part of the world. Each has a job to do for the family to survive. Hunting, gathering, fetching water, cooking, etc. There are no days off, no vacation, no choice. These are the disadvantages. Roles of men and women tend to be very rigid, it is the community that matters not the individual. This can sound nice until you break a community rule and are shunned until you fall back in line.


The advantage to this way of life is that these societies are not constantly bombarded with messages about how they "should" be, or what they need to buy for "happiness."


Everything in life is give and take. We cannot have our cake and eat it to. I try to remember this and focus on the advantages I have.

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Have you ever seen metropolis? We are all just pawns in a capitalist society, we must work for the man while they sit and get their pockets deep with money! We are the people that let them sit on their comfortable furniture while we slave away because we are not yet in their position. I know how frustrating that **** can be sometimes but we've gotta do it to survive in this society. Or raise above it so we can sit and get our cheddar...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I kind of know how you feel, I never really fit in with the world of work. You were expected to work in a way that suited someone else, mould yourself to the way they worked best. Everything had to be so compartmentalised. Turn up for work at 9' for no other reason than that's when everyone else starts work. Work through till 5:30, you were expected to use this time as purely work time, then your time came after that, never mind that you're bereft of ideas at the moment but expect to have a flash of inspiration before the day is out, you just can't work like that. And you have to work on one thing at a time, for the sake of the time sheets.


I couldn't work like that, and got viewed as a liability, or as workshy, but now I'm self employed and I work my ass off, working by my own rules. It suits me, I think the moral is, unfortunately if the way you live your lift doesn't fit in with the majority it can be difficult, but there are always other ways.

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