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Tips for having really good babies

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Hi Everyone,


This is really important.. Im not exactly sure how to go about looking for answers using a search engine so I thought it would be best to ask all the people who already have children. The experts themselves!!!


When you have a baby what are some things or tips you can do to have a really good baby. What I mean by this is a baby who only cries when he or she is hungry, needs changing or when there is something seriously wrong. If at all possible (I firmly believe it is how the parents raise the child) I want to raise a child who doesnt cry all the time.


Sometimes you see parents out with their babies and they are so good. They sit in the high chair or in their stroller and they are just happy happy babies.. and then others are insane and they cry 24/7 and no matter what you do they just scream. My neice and godchild were both like this... the mothers were 21 and 20.


Hopefully I have made sense and I get some great tips.



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I hate to tell you this, but at that age it has very little to do with the parenting. Babies do pretty much as they damn well please. And there's not a whole lot you can do to change it until they get older. They don't understand you. They can't tell you what they want.


What I can tell you is if you keep your babies needs met (well fed, well rested, dry diaper, warm and toasty) and if you make sure your baby is well loved and snuggled you stand the best chance of a happy baby. Is that a guarantee? No way. My kids ranged from perfectly easy baby to spawn of satan and we parented them the same way. But eventually they all grew out of it and settled down. And now they are very happy, bubbly kids.


You won't get bored with a baby around. Trust me

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Hmmm... thats really too bad... I was hoping there was something I could do.. but keeping their needs met makes sense obviously.


My bf doesnt want to have kids if they are going to be like my neice and godchild. We saw a baby at the restaurant we went to tonight and my bf said "Now thats a great baby, I would love to have one like that"....


From what I could see with my godchild I thought that when you ALWAYS pick them up every time they cry that affects things...


Like my godchilds mother wouldnt even let her cry for 30 seconds when it was bedtime. She would automatically just go get her and let her sleep with her, or in something in the living room. Or if she knew that the baby was fed and changed and then put the baby on the floor and she started crying she would automatically pick her up...My godchild learned that she didnt like to be away from her mothers arm and anytime she was put down she screamed and right away got picked up again.

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There are a million different philosophies on that. Some people don't let their babies cry. Others do. I didn't let them cry very much when they were very young (under 3 months). After that I would let them cry just a bit when they were laying down for the night. But thats just me. Others do it different and it works just fine for them. You'll have to figure out what you are comfortable with as a parent. And what works great for one baby won't work at all with another. So you have to wing it and see how it goes.


Like I said, no guarantees with babies. You don't get to pick and choose and say "I only want a baby if its a good baby".

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Your boyfriend is not ready for children so don't even think about having a child with him at the moment. Babies/toddlers will cry and scream no matter how you behave as parents...it is one of the few ways that they can communicate. It is healthy for them to cry (and for toddlers to throw the odd tantrum) it is their way of releasing stress, frustration and anger and for getting its parent attention.


Some babies will cry less than others but in my experience if the baby does not cry much between 1 month and 12 months, they will cry a lot between 12 months and 24 months or they will throw more tantrums between 24 months and 36 months etc. I am yet to see a baby/toddler that did not go through a patch at some stage. If you are not prepared to cope with a babies constant demands (that is what crying is about) then you should wait until you are ready.

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We are BOTH 24... there is NO WAY I would ever consider having a baby with him without him wanting one.


I was once pregnant by him and he was so excited... I felt that at 21 with my life just starting we couldnt have a baby.... sometimes I think he was actually upset with me about it and never told me.... He is very iffy about kids now.. sometimes he wants them.. sometimes he doesnt... but not for a few years... hopefully by the time he is 27 he will feel better about it and he wont get so crazy when he hears a baby cry...

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