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Who here has physically improved themselves lookwise post break up / divorce?

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As we all probably read, going to the gym and working out is one of the best and most common things to do after break up. It makes you feel better about yourself and it makes you physically look better.


Has anyone here really had a dramatic change physically like losing lots of weight looking slim, getting a six pack, or getting muscle?


I say a break up is probably the best motivation one can have to achieving a great looking body.


What kind of physical accomplishments have you seen after the break up/ divorce?


For me i lost 20 pounds, then stagnated. Started gaining a little back so im back at the gym again looking to pack on muscle this time.

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i have. matter of fact after a brief while my ex and i saw each other and he was amazed of how much i lost and how "improved" i am.


looking back...it does bring you to a place where you want to look better, not for them but for yourself..

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i never really post but i wanted to reply to this: Ive always worked out but never really took my "fitness" adventure serious till after the break up !! .. I've lost 35lb and im in the best shape of my life... six pack is coming in and muscles everywhere !! lol .. I do follow a strict diet and work out daily ! .. i do have to admit, i starting doing it after break up for the wrong reasons ( hoping she would notice ) but after seeing the results of my hard work and i started doing it for myself !!

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i never really post but i wanted to reply to this: Ive always worked out but never really took my "fitness" adventure serious till after the break up !! .. I've lost 35lb and im in the best shape of my life... six pack is coming in and muscles everywhere !! lol .. I do follow a strict diet and work out daily ! .. i do have to admit, i starting doing it after break up for the wrong reasons ( hoping she would notice ) but after seeing the results of my hard work and i started doing it for myself !!


Doing positive things for the wrong reasons is better than not at all.


I wouldn't worry if you feel its unjustified.

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Real talk, the only reason i started working out at first was to win her back, that didnt happen and i stopped working out. She found new love and now im working out again to show her she made a mistake. I know its for the wrong reason but for once in my life im super motivated to make a positive change. Even if she doesnt care about me, in the end ill still have the body i always wanted, just gotta keep at it.

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I've been working out to take my mind of things! It has helped my confidence as well! I am naturally slim but I had those ugly wobbly areas which are now toned Woop Woop here comes the Summer! Started eating healthier, which has improved my overall mood, plus I am almost back to my natural hair colour: Blonde.. Doing that in steps this time! After my first breakup, years ago, I tried to dye my hair and it turned out orange! Learnt that lesson

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I have lost some weight, or at least I feel I did because my clothes fit me better and I feel more confident about my body Not eating properly and exercising as a way to escape my problems was a good thing after all! But I do need to start eating better.


I think everyone should improve themselves at this stage because we feel so down and vulnerable and it's a way to lift ourselves up. Plus, you can always show your ex how good you are feeling, which is always a good ego booster I personally didn't change anything about me, like hairstyle, etc. But I do feel a lot lighter and ready to be a better person emotionally speaking - loads of positive energy and wanting to share and live life to the fullest.

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Yeah, I dropped 20 lbs due to not much appetite and MTB riding everyday after work to let off steam....

Spend alot of time on my boat and surfing so I'm really bronzed....


Have seen her couple times and she's always complimenting me on how I look now, I don't notice except that I had to buy smaller jeans......


Funny how losing someone takes off the pounds, we could start a diet program based on breakups!

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I always worked out even during our relationship but once we broke up, I worked out constantly and still do. I mostly lost a lot of weight though due to my loss of appetite. The only good thing from that is now that I have my appetite back, I still don't eat as much as I used to because I got used to much smaller meals. It's made me feel more confident about my body and I know I look great, but it hasn't helped me overall.

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I certainly have devoted some time to improving my looks since my breakup 6 months ago. I've been hitting the gym regularly. I never gained significant weight during my 5 year relationship, but since I stopped working out, I just got flabby in some areas. I've toned up and I'm trying to get a little bigger as well. I'm also going to get my teeth professionally whitened soon (they're not yellow, but I'd like to improve however I can).


I'm doing this all for myself. I want to feel as good about myself as I can

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I was 240 on the day we broke up.. I immediately started working out. I think I lost alot of water weight because I was too depressed to eat anything at all. Then when I could start eating again I started small an ld made sure anything I put into my body was healthy.


Since February I'm down to 211 and went from a size 40 to 36 pant size. Still have a way to go.. I have also been to dentist and did teeth whitening. Makes a huge difference in your over all appearance.


In a few weeks ill buy some new clothes that fit my "new" body better.

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I had gained like 10 pounds while I was with him and we've been broken up for 3 months now and i've dropped 5 pounds. I've been exercising a lot, it makes me feel really good and it lets me forget about him. I'm still struggling with missing him etc, but exercising gives me an outlet.

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When my relationship said "adios" back in November 2012, one of the first things I did was hit the gym.

I dropped 27 pounds in three weeks tops (188 to 161). I think it was mainly water weight though...train insane or stay the same!

I gained a lot of confidence with all the weight lost that every picture I now post of myself on Facebook, I'm actually smiling. I haven't done that in two years or so unless I was asked.


Income Tax season kicked in - guess who went on a shopping spree? I began to buy clothes in sizes that I thought I would never wear in years! Okay okay okay the bills were taken care of first!


I took the time starting in December up to now to rework on past friendships and focus on being more outgoing as well. This man is guilty of neglecting quite a few friendships over a relationship!


I see it as a complete "reboot" to my confidence, ego, mood and image.

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I've lost almost 20 pounds since my break up almost a year ago. 15 pounds of that was within the first 2 to 3 months due to lack of appetite and also going to the gym alot. I practically lived on protien shakes as they were one of the only things I could stomach. Obviously this was not healthy. But I have improved my eating habits, continue to go to the gym and be active on a regular basis. The last time I saw my ex in March he said I looked really, really good. Meanwhile he had gained quite a few pounds (14 he said) and it definatly showed lol.

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As we all probably read, going to the gym and working out is one of the best and most common things to do after break up. It makes you feel better about yourself and it makes you physically look better.


Has anyone here really had a dramatic change physically like losing lots of weight looking slim, getting a six pack, or getting muscle?


I say a break up is probably the best motivation one can have to achieving a great looking body.


What kind of physical accomplishments have you seen after the break up/ divorce?


For me i lost 20 pounds, then stagnated. Started gaining a little back so im back at the gym again looking to pack on muscle this time.


Yeah, I got pretty 'swoll' but after a bit just toned it down. I wasn't interested in the women interested in how many pushups I could do with one arm. Alot. I was buff but not happy so I decided to get wardrobe help and that helped immensely. Probably something to do with 'if you dress good you feel good' outlook'.


Thinking about it, should've gone that route first but hard work does pay off. Nice to go out and get approached. Not used to it but it does wonders for the mangled ego. Just need to be careful.

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