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My boyfriend of about 10 months has just moved away to pursue a career...Because I'm going to school and he's busy trying to find a job, I won't be able to see him for at least two months...We're keeping in touch by telephone and e-mail but I'd like to send him some real mail with something special...any ideas? I'm not a very good writer so I wouldn't be able to write a poem or a song...and he's alreayd given me a mixed cd...any interesting suggestions??

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First of all, thanks for responding...this is my first day and my first post with this forum...I didn't know if anyone would respond...


Anyways, we don't have a favorite candy...I'm thinking a letter, a picture of us he hasn't seen yet that I just got developed...and I'm stuck after that...


I hate long distance relationships... I wish he'd come home...then I wouldn't have to worry about this...

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San, I'm so sorry. =/


Bf's in Iraq at the moment too... but I should see him in less than a year because he's in the Navy instead of the Army. *whew* Still, I can bet on not seeing him until the end of May or June at least, and that's our best hope right now.


=) I'm trying to make up a Christmas care package too, so yeah.. ^^: tuning in on this tread too.

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Wow...I haven't seen mine since October. I will however get to see him again in January, if all works out correctly. I shouldn't complain...I can't imagine having to go through not only not seeing him for a year or so, but worry about him being in Iraq as well. My heart goes out to those having to go through that.

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lol.. no, keep complaining. we're on enotalone to complain. if we don't complain this forum will serve no purpose.


besides, personally, reading about other people's hardships makes me feel like mine's easier.


i chose to be with this guy and i chose to put up with being apart. =) when I'm really down I look at poor army wives that haven't seen their husbands for 15mo+ and I feel better again. ^_~ ahaha, i'm so horrible...



more suggestions on care package? I read somewhere where this woman wanted to make mini stockings with candy and stuff + mini x'mas tree or gloves...



I already got him a build-a-bear, now i'm looking for other things that can go in the package.


What do you have in mind for your bf?



don't worry, 2 mo isn't that long. My friend freaked out about her bf going to france for a month. At the end of the month she barely noticed the time. Time goes by quickly if you only look back.

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you mentioned you were going to send him a care package...have you decided what to send him yet?

I need to do something really nice for my boyfriend...he does so much for me and I don't feel like I do enough for him in return...

Plus his birthday is Dec 29 so I have to get him something for Christmas, his birthday, and just because....

I'm so bad at thinking of things like this though....

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build a bear? =D I don't like plushies and I'm sure his co-workers will laugh when they see the bear...but those build-a-bear bears are the coolest thing in the world. you can make a bear with your style of clothes + record your voice and put it in the bear.


it's really pricy though. my bear turned out to be about 60 dollars. =X waaaaay~ too expensive.


bear: 15

hat: 8

sweater: 8


underwear: 3.5


sound: 8

pet dog: 3

dog accessory: 3


*sweat* Well, if you just want a bear with 1 cloth + one sound it's about 30..


i think it's cute anyways.




I'm trying to think up other stuff to go along with it. maybe pics of his family, pics of me...books he likes to read..


or I edited my last put and included some ideas i read from other forums. maybe you can check those ideas out too.

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That's really really funny that you mentioned that because I've already done that for him! haha! For his university graduation I got him a graduation bear....it was expensive, but it was cute and he liked it....

He left me with his favorite fleece when he left...I wish I had given him something of mine like that but it's kind of too late...he already moved!!

Thanks for the help I'm a newbie at this long distance relationship stuff, I need all the help I can get!

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