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Is it normal to feel this way?

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I wrote a post yesterday and since then I have been doing a lot reflecting. I spoke to my mom about this whole situation and I've just been consumed with anger. Im so angry at him for doing this to me and making me feel this way. Im angry at myself for letting him do this and for being so naive about everything.


Im seriously contemplating if I ever even want to be with him again. My emotions have been so up and down today. I kind of feel like a bipolar person. One second im so full of anger and resentment and the next I want to call him and confess my love for him. I know that while Im this state that I shouldnt act on any impulses that I might have.


Is it normal to feel this way? to be so at odds with your emotions? Up until yesterday we have been in LC and were very friendly towards each other. Yesterday he contacted me and I was very short with him and quite mean with the way I ended the conversation. Part of me wants to apologise to him but Im not sure that would make me feel the least bit happier. Another part of me wants to pull the plug on all these head games and tell him that Im walking out of his life for good unless he is serious about being with me again.


Im so confused and at odds with myself. I feel depressed and lonely and want nothing more than to just cry for the first time in 3 weeks. Can anyone offer advice to get through this?


I've decided I should avoid any and all contact with him for the time being. But I feel so weak when he does contact me. I feel like I have this compulsion to respond to him. I need help.

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These are completely normal feelings, and I am going through them too. Definitely don't act on any impulses right now-you're doing the smart thing. Keep at it. Just know that it is normal-my suggestion is to do some reading and journaling on the grief process and your grief.

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