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I'm 15, and my sister's 17. We've been best friends all our life, but little by little we are slowley drifting apart. I feel like I don't even know her anymore....

The other day, I found this note that she wrote to one of her friends in her book. It said "Did you hear I got drunk last night for the first time? It was quite fun actully, I'm doing it again tonight." When I saw that, I felt sick to my stomach....my sister, the girl I knew since I was born,the girl I've always looked up to, has been getting drunk out with her friends. She even has a car now too, so she risking her life, she could of gotten killed!! But nothing of course was deffinite yet, so the next day, when she was driving me to school, I had a little talk with her. "Kim, would you ever drink?" she answered "well, yea, eventually, sometime I will I guess...." "Have you ever?" I asked. "no, how could I?? I'm not allowed to" So I decided to believe her....after all, she's my sister, I should trust her. But I decided to tell my parents what I saw, just to be on the safe side....her life could be in danger, if she drove home drunk one night. I showed my parents the note when she was gone, and they told me that they were gonna tell her her book fell, and that fell out, and would talk to her about it. Well, I'm down in my basement right now, while my parents are talking to her upstairs. I can't believe what I'm hearing....this isn't my sister....not the girl I used to know.. I heard her say she had some vodka shots. (!) and of course, like always, she acted like she was "the right one". "Its not like I drove home...." she said, trying to defend her answer.

I know you may not think this is a very big deal, or many people wouldn't, but this is my sister....we used to be so close, and now, I don't even know her anymore. Shes one of those, good grade students, quite in school, kind of people. But then again, she has a side to her that she'll do things because everyone else is doing them. Which worries me. First its drinking. Then it'll be drugs, then sex!

She lost all my trust, and I will never trust her again. She's just a stranger anymore. Who can I trust if I can't trust my sister? She LIED right to my FACE! That hurts! And now ever time she leaves the house, I'll worry the whole time shes gone.... "will she come back alive?" I'm not sure I'll ever forgive her for this....



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That happens. My sister was not so innocent. I found a note one day too when I was younger then you. Except my note she talked about how she thought she was pregnant. Well I forgot to return the note and left it out for my parents to find by accident. I paid for that. Her boyfriend wasn't allowed over no more and when my parents weren't home he would come over...and if I was there he would kick the crap out of me. He was a huge guy. Just pounded the hell out of me and told me if I told he would beat everyone up in my family. My sister liked when her boyfriends beat me up..I heard her ask one to beat me up once.


Anyway...maybe you should talk to your sister about your concerns about how she lied to you, and you used to look up to her, and stuff like that. Sometimes as we get older we get new friends and we drift off doing things we wouldn't of done years ago. I remember when I was a kid I swore I would not smoke, drink or do drugs. I did though.



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Hey, I think this may have been over reacted just a bit, I may be wrong, But you are talking about her breaking her trust with you, You just broke her trust by telling your parents, first off, I would never tell my parents if my brothers did anything, If what they did bothered me I would confront them about it, and if they denied it, I would tell them I had proof. And also, You said that next she will be sleeping around and doing drugs, That is unlikely, I have been drinking for years, my dad is a raging alcoholic, so when I was really young, it was easy for me to have alcohol, and of course I tried it, Im talking, when I was in grade 3, Me and my brothers would grab bottles and see who could do what. I've never really stopped drinking since then, but I only drink socialbly, or when I drink by myslef, I do not get extremely wasted to the point I pass out, but my point is, Ive have drinkin alot of alcohol and have never done any drugs or even thought about doing them. My friends offer me probally everyday if I want to try smoking pot or doing shrooms or anything And I never had, so I really wouldnt worry about that. She may not ave really liekd the experience and may not do it again, Maybe she didnt drive home drunk, and has enough sense not too, but I am just saying, I wouldnt be concerned, alcohol is nto a big deal.

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yea, of course I broke my trust with her! Why shouldn't I? Her life is in danger....she could of gotten killed by drinking and driving!! So yes, I will be a tatle tale if my sisters life is in danger....do you know how bad I'd feel if I knew she was drinking all the time, and never told anyone, then one night, she never comes home, crashes from being drunk? I think I did the right thing....

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hm.. I am gonna be hated by saying this but I guess this is my point of view.....


You are in the wrong side! sure your sister lied to you but then again you told on her and if you ever wonder why your sister didn't tell you it was probably becuase you would do what you just did. I am the younger sister of 3, in another words I have 2 older sisters and I am pretty much the same age as you, but years have teach me the respect that I have to have for my older sisters, and if they do something, they will learn, just like I will. You said it yourself your sister is a student with good grades so that must mean that she has at least a little bit of responsability inside her.. just becuase she got drunk does not mean she is gonna drive drunk, she is responsable you said it yourself! You have hight standars for yourself and I am not saying that they are wrong but you can't expect everyone to have the same standars as you do. people change, sisters change... I was my sistes best friend until she went to another country for 15 days! then everything changed.... she got popular, she had boyfriends, she got mature! but I never saw that until I actually started going out with a guy. I will tell yuo something, your sister might try smokes and drugs but that does not mean that she is gonna use them! probably when she uses them for the first time she is gonna realize how bad they are, and you know what this is life and you are gonna get drunk someday too. now everyone that says never, I am sorry to tell you but you automaricly will.

Another thing.. if my sister lies to my face this is what I would say ' I look up to you , you do not need to lie to me, 'cuz the differece between me and your friends is that I am your sister and I am gonna be behind you everytime you fall.. but not all your friends will' there is the unwritten sisters code and you just broke the major rule, she broke #2 but still you should step by your sister no matter what and I would only have done the same thing as you if I saw this was getting out of control.


the guy that I got out with and his friend and everyone else drinks.. I don't but they do.. well.. my bf doesn't anymore becuase he is going out with me but what am I trying to say id that if you drink does not make you irresponsable.. I eamn one of my bf's friend actually was a top student in his class and he parties and drinks....

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Wow at 15 everyone I know drinks and gets drunk maybe the family vaules are better in america. BTW Vodka is nasty lol


I used to think drinking was wrong along with smoking and weed but they all arnt that bad I still do not aprove of smoking but weed has helped me relax in stressed times before and Alcohol is the ultimate party starter even if theres no party lol

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Im 15 nearly 16 and me and all my friends drink and get drunk you have no need to worry about your sister if shes 17 and has good friends, This is not putting her life in danger she is experimenting which is what you will do 1 day...... P.S vodka is nasty Pernod is nicer


And for the drugs part I would believe its just pot which wouldnt make her life in danger she would just stare at her fingers chilled out lol


Calm down I see what you are saying about losing her beacuse shes growing up shes at adulthood and you cant follow there yet I would imagine ( No offece you just seem somewhat inocent ).


You betrayed your sister but for what you thought was a good reason, try to relise drinking with friends is no big deal...

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By the way, I hope that you do feel really good inside for what you did do though, no matter what, its not wrong or right, its just peoples opinion, you care for your sister, and you only did it looking out for her, so, she might get mad at you, but will eventually forgive you, and one day will probally realize why you did it, you just need to have more faith in her, after all were humans, and were not perfect, we learn from our mistakes from our experiences.

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By the way, I hope that you do feel really good inside for what you did do though, no matter what, its not wrong or right, its just peoples opinion, you care for your sister, and you only did it looking out for her, so, she might get mad at you, but will eventually forgive you, and one day will probally realize why you did it, you just need to have more faith in her, after all were humans, and were not perfect, we learn from our mistakes from our experiences.


yeah.. what he said... there is real not right or wrong.. just people's opinions..

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That happens. My sister was not so innocent. I found a note one day too when I was younger then you. Except my note she talked about how she thought she was pregnant. Well I forgot to return the note and left it out for my parents to find by accident. I paid for that. Her boyfriend wasn't allowed over no more and when my parents weren't home he would come over...and if I was there he would kick the crap out of me. He was a huge guy. Just pounded the hell out of me and told me if I told he would beat everyone up in my family. My sister liked when her boyfriends beat me up..I heard her ask one to beat me up once.


Thats friggin rough.....you alright DBL?

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