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Job interview attire

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Hey guys. I have a job interview this Wednesday. It's for a Project Manager position in the Engineering Department with a Municipality. Most I read online suggests that one should dress for the interview a step up from what they are expected to wear on that job day to day. I've worked with project managers in engineering divisions for many years and the day to day attire is anything from jeans and a golf shirts to dress pants and button up shirts. So I'm thinking of wearing neatly pressed grey dress pants with formal leather black lace up shoes and a white dress button up shirt neatly pressed with a black formal belt. Since it's cold out I'll wear a black wool dress long coat on top which I'll take off after I get seated for the interview. Do you guys think this is okay attire or should I do what some suggest and bust out a suit and tie? I tried that on and just feel incredibly over dressed and awkward in it. I know if I showed up in a suit the panel would know that the suit is just there for the interview and wouldn't have a genuine idea of what my style is really like. If I wore business casual and my more everyday formal clothes would be more realistic to the position and accurate representation of me. What do you guys think?

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Yup.Suit for sure. If you don't have one - sport coat.


I know if I showed up in a suit the panel would know that the suit is just there for the interview and wouldn't have a genuine idea of what my style is really like


You are not interviewing for a hip, trendy magazine or record label. A suit is standard. They don't need to know what your personal fashion style is. Yes, people know that you might not wear a suit to work everyday but putting your best foot forward is a must. dress above your job qualification.

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If you go business casual, they'll think that's as formal as you get and that you don't own a suit. They'd expect you to show up in flipflops riding a skateboard on your first day. Project management is a very responsible position, as you know. So they don't want zany or fashionable. They want reliable, diligent, and personable.


If you have cufflinks and an appropriate shirt for them, wear them. Wear a good watch. And if you don't normally, be sure to wear a brand new thick white cotton t shirt under the button down.

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I have this thing with job interviews and books, here me out:


Every job interview I've gone to I've always tried to carry a book or something to read and here's why. If you carry the book into the interview it let's the interviewers know that you care a lot more in life than just about getting a job. You're reading and waiting patiently for your interview to arrive which means to them you're not worried; you're confident and you're just ready to get the show on the road. Unlike the dweeb sitting next to you trying to remove the company's history and policy so that he can impress on the interview. That should've been done the night before, not on the very day.


Not to mention when you carry a book with you into the interview room, chances are they'll ask what the book is. They want to know what you're reading and what interest you. And the book is a great way to deviate from the interview for a split second and to talk about something else in case you feel yourself having a battle of nerves. Of course, don't introduce the book unless they ask and don't offer to read them a chapter. My last interview I brought a book along and they asked me about it and I couldn't have been more happy, especially since I was being interview by five different people. The book enabled me to regain my senses and to finally talk about something else besides the actual interview. It seems corny but it might work.


Job interviews, sex, competition, fear, it's all psychological warfare - winning the battle in your mind first by creating the right atmosphere/mentality and knowing how to respond under stress. Be smart about the book selection if you decide to go with that idea as obviously every trick has a trade to unraveling and it can certainly backfire if you grab a book you don't know anything about. I like to read anyway so it worked for me.


....Another nod for the suit.

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