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Broke up with GF. Check on how she's doing with a text, or bad idea?

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So after a long time fighting and simply not getting along with my girlfriend (now ex), I finally made the decision to break up. We both new this was coming.. I tried to be as nice as possible (I still care about her and wish her the best), basically just tried to tell her that I hope there are no hard feelings, we just have to many differences and I can't see it working out. Obviously she lashed out at me and got extremely upset for awhile, but things have cooled off now (at least I think). This was 2 nights ago, today she only texted me once earlier just saying she was excited that she was going to be a godmother. I told her congratulations and all and that was that.


Haven't heard from her pretty much the whole day now, and although I like it (after all I broke up with her), honestly it's a little weird and ill have to get used to it too. We've talked all the time for the past 5 months so I'm sure weird for both of us. I feel kind of bad because I have a strong feeling with how upset she was, that she is checking her phone seeing nothing from me and getting upset.. Obviously that's something she'll have to get over, but it's kind of like smoking. For some people it's easier to quit cold turkey, but for others it starts with cutting back..


My question is it ok to shoot her a quick check in text once more tomorrow "hey just makin sure your doing ok", or is this a bad idea? I just want to do my best to let her down easy, and don't want her thinking I never gave a crap about her.


I think I know my answer, but what do others think?

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My question is it ok to shoot her a quick check in text once more tomorrow "hey just makin sure your doing ok", or is this a bad idea? I just want to do my best to let her down easy, and don't want her thinking I never gave a crap about her.


Nope. Leave her alone. Look what it's done to me. Spare her the heartache.

My ex's ambiguous "How are you?" texts left me in limbo (hanging on to that 0.0001% she might want me back), until I talked to her myself and realized, finally, that it's about time I moved the fu*k on.

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