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Guys-Would you find it weird or kinky if your girlfriend was attracted to women?


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This is more a question for the guys but if a girl has some kinky experience with her man, that works for me too!


Me and my boyfriend have a very good sex life, and we are very open to eachother's fantasies and turn-ons. He is turned on my office women, so I dress up like that for him all the time in the bedroom. I equally am turned on my women, and he knows this. We have never had a threesome or anything, but he knows that women turn me on too and it is a fantasy of mine and he is fine with that... being with another chick is not really HIS thing though, he is extremely loyal and old-fashioned that way.


So my question - he works construction and is working in an office today, so I know he is probably checking out these office women and they are checking him out too, cuz hey, construction men are sexy (especially him!)!!! I'm not entirely sure why but the thought of it turns me on. So it's just a small opinion question - But if I text him and tell him I want him to pick which woman he is most attracted to and describe her to me, will he think that is weird???? Or will he be comfortable with it, maybe even kinda like it, and play along??? I REALLY don't want to weird him out or make him feel awkward with something he's uncomfortable doing.



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I'm also attracted to women and my husband knows this. I just like to look. We would never have a threesome.


I think since your boyfriend knows you are attracted to women he could be down to play along as long as you don't push his boundaries to physically bring a woman home. I'd go for it!


^^^^^Let us know how it goes.^^^^^

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Alright I sent it. I want to be open with him sexually.. So if he doesn't like something in particular, I will understand, but at least put it out there with your partner or else what's the point. I trust him so why not try different ways to keep it exciting. Will keep u posted.


More opinions on the topic welcome please! I'm curious to know how men feel about their girlfriends being into certain things.

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He just said he's really busy today and doesn't have time to play SHUTDOWN! It doesn't take long, to look around, and text me back on his break. If he isn't into it I wish he would just tell me instead of making excuses, but I don't know which one it is. We have an amazing sex life when we are together in person. But I try to play with him during the day quite a bit actually when we are apart too, I'm a very sexual girl, and he often has excuses why he "can't play right now"......... Is that normal?? He's a man I would expect him to WANT to.

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LOL it's funny, I think I think about it more than he does. I love getting turned on at work sometimes, it gets me through the day easier and keeps me excited in him, it's just something different. But I have an office job and can sit at my desk all day... He has a very physical job... SO maybe it's not as easy for him! I dunno

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For the record, I am not bisexual... I am 100% a straight woman... Just turned on by the thought of being with another woman WITH my man, it's just a fantasy and think a lot of women have the same one! I would die if I ever actually saw my man with another woman or even talking to another woman in an overly friendly way, but the mere THOUGHT of him getting turned on by other women turns me on. I guess it's like some guys like to picture their girlfriends having sex with another man, but it has to remain a THOUGHT lol. I have no problem discussing other women with my man and watching porn with him and stuff, but that's because it remains an intimate thing just between him and I.

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if I text him and tell him I want him to pick which woman he is most attracted to and describe her to me, will he think that is weird????


He'll think it's hot and start tearing your clothes off within seconds of getting home.


ETA: Oh, I see he didn't play along. Maybe he really is too busy at work today to think about stuff like that.


Keep us up to date though; what happens once he gets off work and takes another look at that text.

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I believe a majority of men would either being tunred on by it or do not care, while the monitory would feel insecure and start freaking out because there is twice the amount of options out there.


Most of my partners were bisexual.

i honestly really didn't care.

I am smart enough to know sexual preference does not have anything to do with infidelity.

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Personally, that would be a little strange for me. I wouldn't want to be telling her about other women I'm attracted to when I'm with and fully committed to her. I'd rather my girlfriend/wife not be interested in other women but that's just me. Don't get me wrong, we all have fantasies and they can be very hot, but in reality I like to keep the focus on us and only us.

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He just said he's really busy today and doesn't have time to play SHUTDOWN! It doesn't take long, to look around, and text me back on his break. If he isn't into it I wish he would just tell me instead of making excuses, but I don't know which one it is. We have an amazing sex life when we are together in person. But I try to play with him during the day quite a bit actually when we are apart too, I'm a very sexual girl, and he often has excuses why he "can't play right now"......... Is that normal?? He's a man I would expect him to WANT to.

Then let him be a man when he wants to. Don't be pushy, that is not attractive.

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I haven't read the replies so sorry if this has already been brought up...


Have you had sexual urges towards women? It's not suppose to be a creepy question.. The reason I ask is because my Wife started out the same way as you wondering questions like that. Eventually she's the one who wanted to have one of her best friends start hanging out with us nightly. Wellll we can all assume what eventually happened. It made our relationship stronger and I definitely think it will keep happening !!!

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I don't push it. I never push it, I'm quite aware that is a turn off lol... but of course when I'm feeling it i put it out there. It's just disappointing when time after time I don't get the result I want it's tricky cuz when we DO have sex nothing can beat it. I wonder if the 20 year age difference makes a difference?

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Hey. Really? Yea I do feel like that. But in a purely kinky way, not a lesbian kinda way. I'd ONLY ever be with another woman if there was my man present. It may sound weird but it takes a lotttttt of trust and security in yoùr relationship to do that I think. Truthfully, I don't think I could actually go through with it as much as I'd like to...... I'm too jealous and old fashioned a girl.... But I'm open about the fantasy of it!!! We 're all different

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