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Once again i seek advice about this long distance stuff, it hurts so much and i miss her so much. I cant even be the same around my friends cause i miss her so much and i feel like if i stop thinking about her its like giving up. I dont know what to do. I cry everyday because of this and i dont see how it will get better. My parents told me i could move out there but they will turn there back on me for good. I wanna do it so much but i know i cant, because if somereason is does not worked i am screwed. She has promised me that we are fine and that i have nothing to worrie about but i miss her and wanna be with her, because i feel like if we brake up its my fault cause i had to go home for summer. Its just so rough because i got from seeing her everyday all day to not seeing her at all. I love her so much and i just cant take this. I just dont know what to do with myself. Please help me get through this..... Any advice about this would be great

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I can totally relate to what you are feeling, although i only said goodbye to my boyfriend today, we have done it many times and i always think it'll be easier and it never is.

Never a day passes without my mum telling me 'if it's meant to be it will, nothing will get in it's way' and every day i give her that 'shut up mother' look but i do know sh'e right.

It's such a shock to the system going from all day everyday to nothing. you feel literally like part of you is missing. I know what you mean about being with your friends, i always feel like i'm out with my friends in body but not always in mind, my mind is filled with thoughts of him (even more now the last time we were apart he cheated)

I know you feel like you want to just give up and be with her, i feel that way too, i figure if something makes me so miserable why am i continuing to be apart. We agreed next year we would settle down but next year feels too far away, tomorrow wouldn't be soon enough.

The best thing is to keep yourself busy, i try to fill my days (not working at moment so even more difficult) i try to do something that makes me physically tired so i get in to bed and fall asleep cos lying there at night with your thoughts is the worst thing ever. I try to think of new things to send him, or little gestures i can do, i find that really satisfying.

The time apart really doesn't feel as bad if you don't wish away your minutes and you can just be happy that you have a loving relationship.

take care.

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