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So I decided a few days ago that I was going to be okay, because I know that my ex misses me.


I thought to myself.....everyone thinks that their ex doesn't give a crap and has this inhuman ability to erase us from their memory. NOT TRUE. No one is that good. We do pop into their thoughts, you can't spend that much time with someone and never think of them. Its not possible. Most of us here were great people that got screwed. At least WE are human and can admit that! You can rest assured that they think about you. Especially those of us doing NC. They think about us just as much, if not more than we think about them. We aren't begging to get back together, and they're wondering what the heck we ARE doing!


I thought about it this way......

I have broken up with people before.....not because I didn't love them, but because I was sick of fighting and just didn't feel it was going anywhere. Did I stop thinking about them after I broke up with them? NO!! I would fantasize about them calling, and wonder if I had done the right thing.


If Ive felt like that, I have no doubt that they are all thinking about us as well. After all, we are great So for everyone in agony thinking that they just forgot about you and all the wonderful times you had together, rest easy, they do think about it!



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I can honestly say that I have dated girls for a couple of months, broke up with them and woke up the next day without a thought about it. I dated a girl for two years, she broke up with me , the next day I woke up and felt good about having the whole day in front of me. 2 years of a relationship where we seen each other every day and every night...never has phased me to this day and that was like 8 years ago.


However from reading on this forum it seems that most significant others only seem to start thinking about the ones they broke up with when things in their lives are not going right for them or the person they were seeing dumps them.


I would also say that most people are just like the article above, and do wonder what the other is doing.



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PrincessLinzay - I have to disagree, especially when the ex goes immediatley to someone else. My ex is still with her new man (3 months now), and she supposedly fell in love with him within a week or so of dumping me.


She is having the time of her life right now, and I know she probably doesn't think about me at all anymore. Even though our relationship lasted for 4 1/2 years, I honestly do not think that she thinks of me at all. And actually, I'm fine with that now.


I may be wrong. Who knows?

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If one never thinks about a past relationship, they were never "in love" in the first place. There must not have been many good memories to remember.


I have absalutely no feelings left for the ex prior to this one, yet I still think about him on occasion. I was involved with my most recent ex very shortly after I broke it off with the one before him but that does not mean that I never thought about him or the good times that we had shared. If you have any faith in yourself whatsoever, that you are a good person and worth missing, you're probably right.


If you honeslty believe that the person you were just with and shared love and memories with doesn't think about you at all, than I can't imagine what type of person they were to begin with. And you should be thankful that you have the opportunity to move on and be with someone who will really appreciate all your good qualities.

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Princesslinzay- In most cases you are probably right. But even though my ex gf and I were together for 4 1/2 years and had some great times, I know now that she is totally in love with her new man (it's been three months).


I just think that she is totally in to him, and doesn't even think twice about me.


To be honest though, I hope that my ex does think of me sometimes. I don't know why, but I do hope so. So to be honest, I hope you are right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do kind of agree, but I think that a lot of people in general just try not to think about their ex. Its part of moving on. I don't think about my exes, who I have shared some good times with, but of course I do think of them when I'm reminded or when someone asks about it. I don't miss any of my exes though. I have moved on and have a great boyfriend now.

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I don't really think it matters if they miss us it just matters that we still miss them and they are not here. Even if it ended for the best it still hurts knowing that the one you love chooses not to be with you and get on with their life without you, its worse that if they would have died.


I mss my sweetie but would never take him back.

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Wow. I don't see how everyone's pessimistic attitudes will make them feel better.


I know that I was a good enough person, friend and lover that when Im no longer around, I am missed. I know that I impact people's lives enough that when Im not there, something is missing.


I recently had my beliefs confirmed when I spoke with my ex after a month of not talking. He had thought about me everyday, missed me terribly. I still hear from the ex before him as well, thinking about me and wanting to make sure Im okay.


If you don't believe you're worth missing, no one else will either. I guess I should edit that into my original post.

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Thanks LoveLostLady


I know breakups are hard and people tend to get down on themselves, but, letting your low self esteem get the best of you is never the way. People want to be around confident happy people. Who wouldnt? I know that we're all great and even if a relationship has ended, we're still great. I just wish everyone else could see that.

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