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My ex called me from a blocked number and cursed me out 3 times


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Some girl that i slept with once over 3 weeks ago calls me drunk from a bar with a blocked number and starts calling me r, ******, and all this stuff? I was really friendly because i thought it was a joke, i really didn't know who it was i kept asking if it was Sandy, my sister. Then they called me again, i don't know what they wanted they just kept cursing me out and i thought i was one of my friends being funny so i was just playing along and stuff. Finally, i went to my sisters room and ask if she had called me to which she responds no she didn't. This is when i realized it was that girl K. I had to dump her because she was acting like a little kid and wouldn't pick up the phone, stood me up for 5 hours in the city, aside from all the other problems we had. Basically she had problems with alcohol. Now i am really scared that my phone will ring again, i need to calm down i really wanted to fb message her and be like stop calling my phone you are freaking me out but decided not to. What should i do, has this ever happened to anyone before? My hands are like shaking right now, i can't seem to calm down at all and whats worse i feel like i was so relaxed and things were going good and i had got over her, so why is she doing this!


God, i am really annoyed right now i need someone to talk some sense into me.

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I probably would have thought it was a joke at first too but about 10 seconds in I'd have gone right to nuclear ballistic pissed off and it would NOT have been pretty.


Meh, now that she's had her little three year old type temper tantrum she'll probably quit calling and just bad mouth you all over the bar to her friends. She's just making a drunken spectacle of herself. Switch the phone off and don't worry about it.

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