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Broke up with Girlfriend of 3 1/2 Years?


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Hi guys - just J is out at his Dad's so I'm googling my friends bored and found our old posts.... just to answer those asking how long we were apart - J and I split for about 7 months completely, we stayed in phone contact and met up occasionally but were both with other people. When I split up with my then boyfriend, we started seeing more and more of each other again and eventually got back together properly maybe 8 months after we split.


Moved in together 6 months later... now married, about to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary the day after tomorrow, with our two gorgeous kids, a boys that looks like Daddy and a girl that looks like Mummy fast asleep upstairs as I speak.


Re-reading J's post - I second all of it, it's as true now as it was when I first started dating him 13 years ago.... Prou to be his wife, glad we braved out the difficult times and came out stronger for it the other side...


Good luck to everyone else starting out on their own journeys - it might not be smooth but it's worth it...


Rach xxx

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Rach, your guys' story is so amazing. My first love broke up with me a week ago. We were together for 5 1/2 years but 2 1/2 years long distance. We've had such a wonderful relationship and I've always been there for him especially in the Army. He said his feelings some how changed and he has no idea why...everyone thinks its cuz of the Army and distance adding up together gradually. =( I know he loves me still..right now I can't tlak to him cuz I'm hurting too much and TRYING to move on! I'll be there if he needs me during his deployment but I will try to live my life, move on, keep in touch with him, and I will always love him. In the end I know I will be very happy with someone new or with him... I just can't wait till I can be extremely happy again.... LOVE this story

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  • 7 months later...

I'm in the exact same situation. Me and my ex split after 3 years together and wanted to fix things. Then all the sudden he met someone else (within days) and in a week they were in love he says. It's now 4 weeks later and they're living together and talking marriage. Meanwhile I'm here crying and not eating or sleeping and thinking about him all the time. I just miss him and he moved on so fast. Anyway sorry but I feel your pain exactly and I'm sorry you're having to go thru it. It's agonizing at times and we wonder how to get past it but I'm staying strong and trying to move on as I hope you are able to!!

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