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I posted this in a different thread but feel it would be better here.

Was seeing this guy in my class but he called things off in mid-October. Said he didn't have time for a relationship but it's the truth. He wanted to stay friends so we still texted each other from time to time asking each other how they've been. We're partners on a project and he was the one who asked me if I wanted to do the project with him. We had this one weird night together but there was no sex involved. Just kissing. He kissed me on the cheek first and then I kissed him back. We never talked about that night. That's when I started getting weird feeling like I had to avoid him. I stopped asking him how he was doing. I kept texts strictly about the project but he would text me pics of stuff he drew.


Yesterday he texts me asking how I've been. The last time he asked me that was Thanksgiving. I didn't respond. 3 hours later he texts about the project and I respond within 10 minutes. We stop talking. Then midnight rolls around the he sends me this text:

"I want to apologize for being distant and short tempered lately. Although I have been going through some troubling matters in my life lately, it is no excuse to treat you the way I have these past couple weeks. I'm sorry. I need to have better self control."


Thing is I haven't noticed him being distant or short tempered. Well maybe once or twice but it was over the project and I did something wrong on it. He wasn't clearly upset but I felt like he was annoyed. Here's my response:

"It's ok. I haven't noticed anything that would suggests you've been short tempered or distant. But thank you for apologizing. It means a lot to me. I can't imagine what you're going through and I know you don't like talking to people about your problems but I'm here for you."


Is my response ok? Or should I leave out something or add something? Not sure if I should keep the last sentence.

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Personally, I'd leave out this part:


But thank you for apologizing. It means a lot to me. I can't imagine what you're going through and I know you don't like talking to people about your problems but I'm here for you


It means a lot to you that he's apologizing for nothing?


Also - the "no time for a relationship" thing is a bit of a scam. I mean... he's been texting you, right? You've still kissed a few times, right? He has time for a relationship, he just doesn't want one.


He's trying to send you mixed messages because he doesn't know what he wants (or he knows he wants nothing but still likes the attention/contact anyways). You aren't mad at him, you are setting boundaries.


I think just saying that you haven't noticed anything is fine.

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Also - the "no time for a relationship" thing is a bit of a scam. I mean... he's been texting you, right? You've still kissed a few times, right? He has time for a relationship, he just doesn't want one.


He's trying to send you mixed messages because he doesn't know what he wants (or he knows he wants nothing but still likes the attention/contact anyways)


Then again he said he's also going through some stuff. Maybe there's that too. I don't know what he's been going through but his friends have said that he has told them that too. Could be just a bunch of things coming up in his life that are more important (ie, school, personal problems) and a relationship would just be another thing he has to worry/deal with. Maybe he really does have a lot on his plate. Or, it could be like you said and he doesn't know what he wants.


Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely leave out what you said to leave out.

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