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From the beginning...

About two years ago I met the most wonderful girl I've ever known and about a week after we met she asked me to move in with her. The last 6 months or so, I'd been really down about my life situation (career, etc.) and I'd been really unhappy. She put up with my crappy attitude for longer than she should have and about two weeks ago she moved out.

Without making it too long, let's just say I've done some serious soul searching and gotten myself into counselling and am already feeling way better about my life.

So, anyway, without really expecting a positive response, yesterday I asked her to go out to dinner with me. To my surprise she accepted. I was kind of worried about it being a pity date or something to that affect.

But during dinner everything was fine. There was no pity or "old friend" vibe and she never any uncomfortable time. Feeling a little bold, I asked her if she wanted to go see a movie and, surprise, she said yes.

On the way back to her place, on the radio we heard a commercial for a concert next week and I asked her if she wanted to go and, yet again, she accepted.

So, is it false hope or might there actually be a chance? I know it'll take a while, but I'm willing to give it plenty of time and build back up slowly. What do you all think?

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I think that after living together you should be able to ask her exactly what these dates mean and if she considers them friendly excursions. If you can't feel comfortable asking her this than maybe living together wasn't for you in the first place. The only two people who can answer the question of false hope are the two of you. Good luck!

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Hi elvis,


First of all welcome to eNotalone.com and thank you for coming to us for seeking advice. It pleases me to hear that you are dating again. I understand that you have some thoughts of false hope.


Before anything else, I assume that by using the words 'false hope', you really would like to get back together again, do you? Are you serious about that? You're not kidding telling us that it will take some time and patience. Do you have that patience now? Are you going to trust her for 200% again, if she accepts?


Gelsey is very right telling you that the answer of your real question is in your hearts... both of your hearts. I think you will have to ask her what's going on in her head.


I hope that this helped you. Think twice before acting. I wish you good luck and lots of fun.


~ SwingFox ~

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hiya elvis. the telling thing here to see if she is giving you false hope or not,was her attitude during the dates ! i'm afraid just because she accepts a date,doesn't neccesarily mean she's interested romantically. it could be pity dates, or she has alot of free time..or she's thinkin that she can use you to show her a gd time( if you paid etc..). however, if she was displaying positive signs during the dates..touching you,laughing+smiling,complimenting...then you could be on to a winner !! remember bro..don't judge her on her words,take your reasoning from her actions during the date. good luck bro

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